2x2' Tent/2x 120W Samsung QB/60L Pot/Organic soil/White Widow/LST

Hello there,

I'm starting a new cycle and, this time, I'll try to get everything registered. Yesterday I soaked one seed (Dutch Passion WW) in tap water and I'll transfer it today to a 300ml cup.

Meanwhile, I'll be cleaning the tent with H2O2 and making some minor upgrades.

The pot (60L) and the soil are the same of the last cycle. I'll add some EWC on top and magnesium sulfate (~10 spoons). The soil recipe is as follows:

2.5L coconut
10L organic garden soil
5L carbonized rice husk
2.5L EWC
4 spoons of bokashi
1 spoon of mammon meal (nitrogen rich)
1 spoon of chicken manure
4 spoons of cow manure
1 spoon of bone meal
+ 0.5L EWC
+ ~10 spoons of magnesium sulfate

If you plan to copy this recipe consider to change coconut by vermiculite because of issues with magnesium/calcium balance (or use CalMag in every watering).
Your mixing all this together with coco??

Yes. There is 1:5 of coco coir in the soil (in powder form, not entire fibers). I use it just to increase water retention in the mix. This was my first organic soil recipe. In the last cycle I have problems with magnesium deficiency that forced me to add magnesium sulfate when watering (coco cation exchange, presumably). Despite of that it was my best yield until now (it was my 3th cycle, I'm a rookie)

I was considering mix another soil to the next cycle, getting of the coco coir and adding some vermiculite and put this actual mix on my garden pots, but the relative success of this batch has changed my mind. Let's see in the future

Please feel free to criticize or make guesses, I'm here to learn
The first thing I would do if I was trying to pull this off is get some peat in that mix
Organic in coco can be a nightmare as you are combining two completely different grow styles
The first thing I would do if I was trying to pull this off is get some peat in that mix
Organic in coco can be a nightmare as you are combining two completely different grow styles

You are totally right. I use coco in my ferns (1:3) with success and give it a try in this mix. I've read about coco caused nutrient unbalance only after mix everything (research, research, research, just to increase the amount of mistakes, welcome to my life). I only used 1:5 coconut in the mix, I think that's why I didn't have so many problems. Thank you for your help