3-5 lbs of trim/small buds into honey oil...


New Member
Hey guys. I had a guy call me today and tell me his freezer is packed with "stuff" I havnt seen it, I assume its not the greatest, but he said there is small popcorn buds and bottoms and stuff in there, its a garbage bag.. so well have to see.

anyways. what would you do with around 5 lbs? we did some quick guessing and thats 80 oz.. I usually get 15% or so, so that would be a 12oz return of nice honey oil... thats a lot. I cant imagine how many cans that would take, and the time.. and not blowing up. I might also run some of it through the bubble bags.

I think I might need to buy a bigger extractor.. mine holding 30 grams at a time isnt gonna work to well... I might sort out all the buds, and the leaves. made oil from the buds and bubble hash from the leaves

what do you guys think?
Sounds like a lot of work...lol...I like both products but given the amount you have...I'd make some oil and the rest bubble.
You try making dry ice hash? Way cleaner / easier.

The trick is to do it on a glass table and rake it into piles, and keep the piles separate but in order. After a certain point, you'll be shaking more plant dust than hash - once you hit that point you want to be able to throw the bad piles away (you could probably wash the crap piles with acetone and filter if you wanted to get real crazy)
Hands down the cheapest way we've found to extract oil is a Terpenator at about $0.038 per gram. We average over 20% oil yield from bud, but only around 10/12% from the average trim.

The second cheapest, was denatured alcohol at $5 gallon in 55 gallon drums.

Dry sieve or bubble won't extract all of the resin, without beating in too much green plant material, so if you do that first, you might consider following up and extracting the balance with a solvent.
dry sift half of it throw keif back in bag make BHO should only take about 3-4 cases of gas with ur 30 gram tube should only take 2-3 hrs or so to run that much
Hands down the cheapest way we've found to extract oil is a Terpenator at about $0.038 per gram. We average over 20% oil yield from bud, but only around 10/12% from the average trim.

The second cheapest, was denatured alcohol at $5 gallon in 55 gallon drums.

Dry sieve or bubble won't extract all of the resin, without beating in too much green plant material, so if you do that first, you might consider following up and extracting the balance with a solvent.

yeah I think I was going to dry sieve a lot of it... then mix that kief and run butane through that. then running 1 can through the sifted material just to make sure im getting all of it.

the guy is stopping by in 20 mins. im very excited to see what he brings. ill post some pics and get started on it tomorrow :)
well.. that was in interesting visit we had lol. I just schooled another grower thanks to RIU and tons of hours of reading. there isnt any question I cant answer for these guys. I talked to an old dude the other day too... that guy knew his shit, been growing for years, makes some killer shit.. but I sure taught him a thing or two ;) guys walking out my door are definitely interested and satisfied with my product and knowledge ;) thanks to you guys.

anyways, this is what he gave me lol... there is 100 grams of nice stuff that ill make into honey oil. but then theres like 5+ lbs of this shit. I am thinking of making it all into bubble hash. but have no idea how I should do this.

I am going to put on gloves and seperate all the stems out. chuck them out. then put a few handfulls into the bubble bags... mix it as hard as I can for 5-10 minutes. let it settle... then pull it out and put that mush into a bucket..... then throw another handfull or 3 or 4 into the bucket, with the water still in it, and add more ice.... mix very hard for 5-10 minutes....let it settle... then pull it out and put that mush into a bucket..... then throw another handfull or 3 or 4 into the bucket, with the water still in it, and add more ice.... mix very hard for 5-10 minutes.... take that mush out, let it settle... etc

question is. should I clean my bags every so often? or should I just do it at the end. I only have 5 gal bags.. and like 5 lbs of wet, junk stuff here.

once I am done... I will clean the bags.. put all that mush back into the bags.... run water through it in the shower. and do 1 final quick rinse just in case.. then throw it out.

what do you guys think of that?

is this stuff even worth me going and buying 20$ worth of ice???? it sure doesnt look very crystally. what kind/how much hash would you guys expect from a 5~ lb bag of junk trim?
no, it was free. he said he would go 50/50

upon closer inspection.. its not too bad. tons of stems. but I found that a lot of the stems still have buds on them... decent sized ones too. thumb nail size or bigger maybe. so its not all junk. its just 1 big solid gross frozen clump right now. not too sure if I should let it dry, or wtf. I kinda wanna get working with it... i think im gonna sort it out tonight and run it tomorrow. I am excited to impress this guy.

I showed him my oil and he looked at the vial in the dark vehicle and was kinda like "meh"... whatever. so he gave it to his "tester".. and by 10pm that night he was texting me asking if I wanted to do a cook for him lol. feels good knowing that my shit impressed people :) the vacuum pump and desiccator are on the way... I cant wait!
Microscopic examination for capitate trichome heads will tell whether it is worth running or not. We run 10 to 12% BHO from trim, and if you kif half of that, you would have around 5/6%.
well. just spend 3 hours sorting it.... not fun at all holy shit.

this is the junk bag. theres like 5 lbs of stems in there and 1 lb of yellow and shitty fan leaves:

the not bad stuff... small buds in here, lots of small leaves. some stems, but theyre soft and mushy. I dont have the time or patience to sort it 100%. theres like 3 lbs here:

these are buds that I pulled off the stems... there were lots. some would have been over 1g if dried! not bad. there is 160 grams here wet. like 6 oz.

not bad considering it looked like this when I got it lol... the middle was good. the outsides was shit:

he also brought over 110 grams of nice bottoms. it made some nice oil. 16 grams of oil. I think this dish has 10, and the other (not pictured) had 6. I noticed that the one kind (not pictured) wanted to budder up real quick as I was playing with it... it was weird. the kush I use for BHO takes weeks to budder up!!

and a random picture you guys might like

so, my plan is to make this into bubble hash. any suggestions?? I got 3 bags of ice and the trim sitting in the freezer right now. should I just do 1 big clean up at the end? or half ways through? I plan on mixing it like crazy. pulling it out, putting more ice and trim in the mixing it a lot more.

im no hash expert, I dont even like making bubble hash... 10% return is way too low and I bet this willl be a 5% return run. my fingers formed some hash while sorting through it and it looked red and melty like the last hash I got... it looked delicious. not like my bubble hash that looked like blonde pressed kief :( I am hoping that this weed forms some full melt hash. that would be awesome!!!

the guy who I got full melt from the other day says he uses an old pump that has the cover taken apart or something, just a fast spinning impeller that he puts at the bottom of his 20 gallon bubble buckets and makes some of the nicest hash ive ever seen. i hope to replicate it... kinda. doubt it though.

it feels good impressing old time growers ehhh..

you been working over there, good job on the sorting, it realllyyyy helps! sounds like this guy has a nice buddery product as well, i love when the oil comes out easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. good luck man, hope to see your "vacpurged" material soon

well... that was an experience.

I ran about 100g of the "bud", and like 3 or 4 handfulls of the shitty stuff. I ran the shitty stuff. mixed it for like 10 mins. figure it was enough.. strained all the weed out, squeezed the juices out, then I threw the bud in and more ice. mixed it like crazy with the electric blender, it was making foam at the top. seemed like it was working awesome. scary using an electric tool 1/4" above the water line though. I need a corded drill with a paint mixer.

it was very hard to mix... it kept getting gunked up in the mixer because its long strands.. unless I was able to mix it very very fast, then I couldnt/didnt spin around the mixer. I tried mixing it by hand... but after a 12 hour day in the oil patch, the last thing I want to do is sit there and stir is with a large metal spoon with a sharp edged handle that was making my fuckin blood boil.... I need to get a proper mixer or something. maybe ill bite the bullet and buy that 100$ washing machine off ebay. or just buy a paint mixer and get a powerful drill from work and mix it as hard and fast as I can... I dont think I can over rinse this stuff....

one thing I did was rush this, which I kinda regret.... should I have let anything settle before I pulled the bags? or done anything differently? after scraping and cleaning all the bags, I take my 220 wash bag thats still full of trim and ice, put it inside the 25 micron bag. and pour all the dirty water through it, into the bathtub drain. the I run clean water through my 2 bags (220 and 25) just to catch whats left. I am able to pull out a little more... out of the 25 after that, I dont think its anything crazy potent though.

so yeah. I was actually kinda satisfied with the results for what I ran.... I was mad the whole time pulling bags, with 1-2 hoots in each bag, till I got to the last bag. the 25 mic... the money bag. it had it all, and boy was it nice. nice white color, very very fine. looks like a paste. I sure hope its good. there is 6g wet.. so im hoping 3g dry which is still a pathetic return... but considering this stuff was pretty much garbage, its not bad.

so im hoping I can do more tomorrow if I can get a drill. I figure I only ran about 1/20th of what I have in that bag. I need to figure out my ice/water/weed ratios or get bigger bags and just throw the whole damn garbage bag in, mix it with an industrial drill so it froths at the top a lot, and call it done.
well. ran all that trim... got about 14 grams of medium/low grade hash... not worth the 6 hours.

ran another batch for another friend... his material was JUNK. 95% green frozen fan leaves with 0 crystal. the other 5% was medium quality leaves. out of like 5 lbs of wet leaves, we got 8 grams of very green hash. LOL! what a waste of 3 hours.

I told him to put more time separating the leaves properly or im not making any more for them and wasting my time with embarassing hash. you cant make chicken soup out of chicken shit.

I told them to buy a spin pro... cut the fan leaves, throw them out.. keep your buds with the sugar leaves on them to the side till youre done. throw them in the spin pro, and save the leaf out of the spin pro!!!! those bad boys do the work of 20 scissors. it aint easy to teach an old, stubborn dog new tricks though.
sounds like those guys cant grow for shit and are leaving what u need for hashing on the trimmed buds to make extra weight
theyre definitely beginner growers thats for sure. were not doing any of this legally or with help from the government.... but I agree. theyre trimming all wrong and bringing me the wrong stuff/too much junk. the one guy had a garbage bag full of brown stems. I was like what the fuck!?!?!?!?
At the risk of being redundant, what fadedawg said above sounds right.

Before you go processing pounds of crap, its worth checking with a loupe or microscope to see if it has enough trichromes to be worth the effort.

As you know, stems and yellowed leaves are garbage, and not worth saving. The only material worth processing is actual "popcorn" or other buds, and "sugar" leaf trim from buds. In some cases fan leaves can have some trichromes, but mostly not.

On your end, if you want to make water/bubble hash, the most efficient way to process large amounts of trim is with a washing machine setup, so you aren't sitting there stirring crap by hand for three hours.

If you're going to do this on any kind of regular basis, its well worth the investment in a machine and some good bags, I think.
I can get a machine off ebay for 100$ shipped to canada. its just that I dont really plan on doing this on a regular basis... but we all know how things plan out.