3 babes,24 days flower, niceee buds... H E R M I E????


Well-Known Member
Clearing away some dead leaves at the back hidden part of the plant in

the rear of this photo I have discovered to my untrained eye what appears

to be male flowers, there is about 20 branches on this sucka and can't seem

to find any other occasions like this (though I have hardly any room in there

to look properly), there is female hairs in with these pods also, some appear

open... fuck, my jaw hit the ground when I saw this.

please tell me its undeveloped weird female calyxs, keep in mind this

lady/thing has had triplex nodes since set 3... so bud sites everywhere, little

deformed but a good deformity. Please help, thankyou



Well-Known Member
Somebody please reply, I dunno whether these are going to seed my newly forming buds or more to the point whether its too late...


New Member
Oh yes... that's a hermie alright.

Nothing to worry about, just harvest it now.:mrgreen:

I've found that around 1 in 20 females will turn hermie at some point in development. Maybe even more than that.


Well-Known Member
I gotta clutch at anything here... so the fact that theres hairs poking out there too doesn't mean shit.. does it


New Member
unless you want seeded bud, get it out of there today.

You don't need to throw it away, just harvest it, dry it and turn it into honey oil.


Well-Known Member
is any of the bud on it worth smoking or has thc not developed yet, there isn't any really visible trichs on he/she yet, unlike one of the ladies which is frosty as already.


New Member
Not worth smoking, but should be fine when turned into oil. It's real easy. If you look real close you should be able to see some trich's. Making the oil just harvests those trich's.

Old 500ml pepsi bottle. dried, well grinded bud, trim and branch. Coffee filter, tin of butane (what you use to fill up your lighters). Takes around 10minutes to make.

put the dried shit in the bottle, attach the filter to the bottle. Put a tiny hole in the lid of the bottle to fit the gas nozzle in (they usually have handy attachments in the lid of the gas can). Pump through the liquid butane till you hear just gas coming out. Make sure you have a bowl or somethiong to catch it all in. Then you evaporate the gas. You can just leave it for a couple of days to do it natural... or you can do it instantly by placing the bowl in some shallow, very hot water. Ready in minutes. You can smoke it fresh too, just remember a little goes a looooooooooong way.


Well-Known Member
damn...uh...they do make stuff that you put on the male balls and it keeps them from producing pollen or somthing, so the plant can keep growing and ripening without fertilizing all the other ladies near buy. it was in a recent hermie thread, ill try and find out more real quick...


New Member
damn...uh...they do make stuff that you put on the male balls and it keeps them from producing pollen or somthing, so the plant can keep growing and ripening without fertilizing all the other ladies near buy. it was in a recent hermie thread, ill try and find out more real quick...
... and how would you know you had gotten all of the balls? If those balls don't drop won't the plant just produce more? Especially as the plant bushes out, and gets denser buds it would be harder to keep track of the balls. Could you also post a link to the thread, please?


Well-Known Member
Thanks anyway Intensive though its too late, it's slaughtered now, as Skunky says, far too many sites for balls to hide, also too hard to see anywhere properly in my room... which makes me a bit concerned for any future grow...

O.K, my next question is how can I tell if the others are up the duff? As I cut up the plant I come to realise with closer inspection that there was actually shit loads of balls, well one or 2 at most nodes on most branches, half appeared to be open, not really noticable powdery pollen, but then again I haven't seen pollen before & unsure what to expect. What tell tale signs will tell me seed is growing and not dense bud


Well-Known Member
If they have yellow dust coming out of them this is the pollen its clearly visual and if you saw it you would know it.
Sounds like you got lucky and removed it in time.
You will have to wait for a couple of days to see that if you do notice any previously white pistils turning a brighter shade and then shrivelling up to brown over the period of a couple of days then they are probably fertilized this wont matter though if youve only got a few seed sites the rest of your bud will still be great to smoke:blsmoke:


Active Member
"damn...uh...they do make stuff that you put on the male balls and it keeps them from producing pollen or somthing, so the plant can keep growing and ripening without fertilizing all the other ladies near buy. it was in a recent hermie thread, ill try and find out more real quick..."

Its called Dutch Master Reverse


Well-Known Member
thanks natmoon, after looking more at the harvested branches i have noticed some open pods i flick and they release powder, have to wait and see how much it spread if at all,

thanks very much skunkushybrid, you quick responses and eagerness to help is much appreciated, you may have saved my bitches


Well-Known Member
thanks noogie, good to know for the future perhaps, this ones well dead though and there was plenty of balls all over the place, probably to hard to control i would imagine