3 Beauties 1 Problem What culd it be?


Well-Known Member
30 days into flowering white widow pineapple express and rocklock are doing great haze not so well anyone have any ideas on what it could be?

400w hps
temps 75-80 day 60-70 night
ocean forest soil
use fox farm nutes
1tblsp big bloom
2 tsp tiger bloom
every other watering

used on all 4 plants only the haze has this issue flushed but issue persists other plants look beautifull

need any more nfo lemme know please and thank you guys



Well-Known Member
ok it should be close enough for soil water with plain ph water an 5.5 and sativa like a bit more acidic soil then in a week or so give it lighter nutes than the rest that should solve it sativa like lite nutes


Well-Known Member
haze wont grow as fat as others. And looks like u may have spilled something on it.
looks like to much nuts haze is a sativa they need little less nuts. Thats why i also say find a strain you really like and stick with that strain otherwise you really have to give different amounts of nuts to different plants. Just flush and go real lite on nuts you should be ok also what is your humidity make sure your at, at least 50. But dont worry to much its not a decease so you dont need to pull the plant.