3 day old seedlings


Well-Known Member
my plants look really healthy, but they look like they are stretching a little... how long should the stem be from the ground to the first set of leaves?


Well-Known Member
ok well i have a 42 watt bulb if i replaced one of the other 23 watt bulbs do you think ill be ok?


Well-Known Member
what if i put both in there say ill have a 23w and a 42w right next to each other how many lumens would that put off...? and would that be ok


Well-Known Member
what if i put both in there say ill have a 23w and a 42w right next to each other how many lumens would that put off...? and would that be ok

lumen's don't add......so it will still be 2800 lumen's...... but the more light the better, you should definitely put them together.


Well-Known Member
Right you need to buy some more 42watters but 2800 lumens as lumens dont add up like that ....it works like this
1x42w = 2800 lumens
42w is the most lumens So its like this 42w =2800 lumens double the (X2)COVER but still 2800 lumens x 2 of the cover (like same lumens but bigger sun LOL)
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Well-Known Member
ok cool the only problem is it putts off more heat im sitting about 87 degrees F with the 23w and the 42w i guess i need to cut some holes in my box or figure something out.


Well-Known Member
ok i might have to buy an extra timer then because it only has two plugs and im going to need a third one for the extra light.... how much do cpu fans cost?