3% peroxide for cleaning hydroton?


Well-Known Member
yeah I have done it a few times...however I am not sure the 3% is effective enough. I recently filled a old res, dumped all old dirty pebbles in it and soaked them in a normal 35% h202 res solution. They sizzled for hours. If you use the peroxide be sure to give them a day or 2 before planting to ensure h2o2 has disapated.


Well-Known Member
spend that 30 stack and get a bottle...your next few hours working at walmart will pay it off.


Well-Known Member
dude, just get some water, peroxide, however much you think you need, now of course dont go overdoing the peroxide in the water but just let your hydroton soak in it for around 30 mins or whenever you think its ready and rinse them really well



Active Member
just boil it and toss it in a pasta strainer after. It drys fast because the water steams off makeing it easier to store if needed also.


Well-Known Member
alrite all i need now is a 40 gallon pot to fit all the dirty pebbles in...
... not that I can't put some actual thought into it and maybe boil a few pebbles at a time. His suggestion is actually rather advisable if you have a smaller system with little hydroton to deal with. Plus none of the gloves and worry that comes with corrosive 35% h2o2. But it's cooler to rip on people who actually have good ideas, right?

I actually use peroxide to clean my pebbles at the moment but I may try this to see how plausible it is.