3 Plants Flowering Problem

Hi Everyone,

I need some help please. I have 3 clones that are 4 weeks into flowering. They started showing some signs of problems around 2.5 weeks ago, and I ignored them thinking they would go away. Instead they got worse. So I am here for help.

Info about them:
Soil with Perlite
Soil PH of 7
Watering with water of a PH of 6.25 - 7.25
Water them whenever they feel light. ( Thats about every 3 to 4 days )
Indoor Grow, Tent

I did my first grow with no problems. Used the same set-up. Have problems this time....

The bottom leaves are the ones being affected. The tops seem fine with very little being affected, but its working its way up the plants.

They are green and healthy, then get brown tips, then turn lighter green / yellowish and very soft, then brown takes over and they crisp up. Throughout this process the stems turn from green to red.

I took a ton of pictures to show what I'm talking about and tried to get it in all the stages described above.

Please let me know what the problem is and how to fix it if possible. And also if I should cut off these affected leaves?



We need to know the content of the feed and the strain compared to the last grow, if they are both the same strain then the problem os probably environmental. definitely remove the severely affected areas, from what i can see they are beyond recovery


Well-Known Member
Congratulations!!!! You have a normal plant that is using up N during flower. Yes cut off the damaged leaves. If you have a grow nute available use 1/8 teaspoon per quart and foliar feed it once a day until your buds start to form and get hard. You are fine do not change anything!