3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

remember your name

Active Member
I'm having a concern, my girl is 3 weeks old and exactly 4 inches tall, has 6 sets of fan leaves + the 3 sets coming off each leave plus the new leaves trying to grow out of the nodes. Width is about 5 inches. I have her in a 8x8 inch pot and she's doing fantastic the roots have reached the bottom of the pot i can see them through the drainage holes. Using mg soil w/perilite and 2600 red cfl and 2800 blue spec cfl, my question is why is she so short? lol 4 inches seems rather small yet she looks great smells great. Could this be normal or is this not normal? If it isnt normal what do you recommend since she seems to be doing great other than how short she is. Looks better than any 3 week old i've seen so far. Dont know the ph so dont ask. I water with distilled store bought. She is 3 weeks from sprout not seed. Her main stem is about as wide as my pinky finger. I wanted to start flowering at 3-4 weeks but with her being so short im concerned how it will work out. Would she only be about 12 inches tall if i started now? Thats too small i think. idk....help?:?


Well-Known Member
be patient, my man. give her some time to get strong. four inches is too small to start flowering. you're going to want to let her veg for 4 - 6 weeks at the minimum.

i had a girl once that was a stunty little b for the first three weeks of her life, and then she shot up like nobody's business. it could just be a different phenotype. what strain are you growing? sativa or indica? :peace:

remember your name

Active Member
yeah, i was thinking of doing a replant also but then i figured there has to be plenty of room in the pot still for the roots to grow because its a big pot. i'm going to wait at least a week before i replant because thats when i wanted to flush the soil anyway.


Active Member
its on u man.but id transplant now,itd jus help her grow faster.i was having probs wit my heat and that slowed my girlsdown alot.its 75 in my room constantly and they shot up.but jus wait man.id flower when it gets 2 feet.but thats jus how i flower my plants.and id also top her about a week before u flower

remember your name

Active Member
mk so for the record your answers to my question round up to give her some more time, correct? Alright i had only wanted to know if her height was abnormal and what to do about it. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
mine is just over 2 weeks and about 6 in. i wish she would hav stayed shorter longer and developed a thicker stem. patence man, and take care of her


Well-Known Member
4 inches for a 3 week old plant doesn't sound that unreasonable. Not all strains are fast and large grower. Personally I'd only be pissed if I had a 4 inch plant and it's nodes were spaced super far apart. If your plant's nodes are tightly placed and it's 4 inches apart I'd personally be alright with that. I'd start worrying if it was 4 inches tall and 7 weeks or more older.

You my friend are winning the battle at this point. You have healthy plants that smell and look great. I'd be pretty happy about that at this point.

remember your name

Active Member
4 inches for a 3 week old plant doesn't sound that unreasonable. Not all strains are fast and large grower. Personally I'd only be pissed if I had a 4 inch plant and it's nodes were spaced super far apart. If your plant's nodes are tightly placed and it's 4 inches apart I'd personally be alright with that. I'd start worrying if it was 4 inches tall and 7 weeks or more older.

You my friend are winning the battle at this point. You have healthy plants that smell and look great. I'd be pretty happy about that at this point.
thanks, this was the info i was looking for. I ended up transplanting her today from a 8x8 to a 24x24, sounds like a big difference but it doesnt seem a lot bigger than the other pot. Anyway the dude who said to transplant now rather than later, thank you, you were right. When I flipped her upside down and slid her out i saw the roots had totally taken over the 8inch deep pot already and were starting to grow back up the sides lol, so good call man. i think if i waited it might have effed everything up faster than imagined. I also got some superthrive and put 1-2 drops in 1/2 gallon of water and then thoroughly watered the new soil on the bottom as well as top. Now all i have to do is pray to jebus shes a she, also SHE GREW! lol like 1/2 inch last night i was so amazed and relieved:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks, this was the info i was looking for. I ended up transplanting her today from a 8x8 to a 24x24, sounds like a big difference but it doesnt seem a lot bigger than the other pot. Anyway the dude who said to transplant now rather than later, thank you, you were right. When I flipped her upside down and slid her out i saw the roots had totally taken over the 8inch deep pot already and were starting to grow back up the sides lol, so good call man. i think if i waited it might have effed everything up faster than imagined. I also got some superthrive and put 1-2 drops in 1/2 gallon of water and then thoroughly watered the new soil on the bottom as well as top. Now all i have to do is pray to jebus shes a she, also SHE GREW! lol like 1/2 inch last night i was so amazed and relieved:peace:
good to hear :):joint:

remember your name

Active Member
mine is just over 2 weeks and about 6 in. i wish she would hav stayed shorter longer and developed a thicker stem. patence man, and take care of her
thanks, i am doing my best. I wouldnt have been so worried but she just had so many sets of leaves already for only 4in tall but its all good i think. shes like a child to me now, a child i will later harvest for everything shes worth :twisted: lol sick as that sounds.


Well-Known Member
sounds like it's just going to be a short, bushy plant. It will get a lot taller during flower. You're doing fine, just give it time.

remember your name

Active Member
Ok,:confused: so new concern here, today when i woke up i saw the top sets of leaves are curled under and a tiny bit of the new growth, it doesnt appear to be dry or wet and heavy its just curled at the tips under and under/sideways also. She just went through a transplant, got watered and fed hormones so is she just stressed or is there a reason for concern?

remember your name

Active Member
Ok,:confused: so new concern here, today when i woke up i saw the top sets of leaves are curled under and a tiny bit of the new growth, it doesnt appear to be dry or wet and heavy its just curled at the tips under and under/sideways also. She just went through a transplant, got watered and fed hormones so is she just stressed or is there a reason for concern?
also there is no sign of burn, no yellowing, actually i havent even seen this on other plants online so far, its like the tip curled in and under and then the whole tip itself curled under and under/sideways, wish i had my cam grrr do plants do that for sleep or protection from something?:evil: