3 weeks in flowering and not buds yet


Well-Known Member
i am doing an experiment with an unknown seed in my closet with 200w cfls but the little plant isnt under the cfls and i am not using reflectors. it has veg for 4 weeks and its at the start of the 4rth week of flowering and it has something like 6 pistils totally.whats wrong?



Well-Known Member
Interesting, are you trying to grow a plant with minimum light to see what happens? as you know they need light for food so without it they won't grow too well...only thing I suggest if your not doing it already is to use nutes to see if that helps. Good luck


New Member
My 4 white widows is in there 3 weeks 12/12, an not showin any signs of pistoles, I've 2 different plants an there goin rightly as the 6 been put intogather, but white widow not showin any signs


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for the plant to need more than 12 hours of darkness in order to flower?
No but my suggestion is to put your plant directly under the light..no more then 2" above the canopy...keep your temps between 70° to 80° no higher no lower (unless you're using co2) ...I be back in a min .


Well-Known Member
CO2 is used at higher temps...try some nutes...sometimes bag seed can be I lil slower on growth but I'm gonna say you're lights aren't positioned right is the biggest factor ATM .