30 days!!


Active Member
Hello guys, seeking help from the pros. Im under CFLs I have 5 dalight 26w and two extra large 100w actual bulbs. feeding with fish 5-1-1 and sum herb food (5-1-5) i found at OSH. I se superthrive and i feeed everyother watering. plus rep for help...

1110101023.jpg1119101210d.jpg1105101230b.jpg1105101231a.jpg1110101015.jpgmy crop is about thirty days old i have yellowing issues. I need sum help from the pros...1114101707.jpg


they look over watered to me, how often are you watering and what kind of soil are you using? if it's miracle grow that could be part of your problem

it could be the lights or something, but they look like bonsai cannabis hehe


Active Member
hey thanks. i'm using a mix of cactus soil and some and sum fox farm soil, i just got. mostly cactus dirt out of the bag tho. I have a real problem with heat its stays like 89deg.to like 100 easy.
Quick question do you have to water on a schedule or just win they need it?
i check every other day and they dry out fast i stick my fnger in therd bout two inches and i use my prob. i need sum quick fix solutions
1. heat problems
2. flux in temperature
3 light green tops and severe yellowing on the bottom
4. dry leaves and purple crisp stems
New update I flushed with superthrive and b1 on saturday. my lights went off allday sunday and my "partner" could'n figure out the plug blew out so bypass that portion and go straight into the wall... dughhh!!! so i came to the rescue to day and i seen that the lights off tme didn even turn them into pre-flower stage so it dont think that will harm them.
more help needed asap thanks


Active Member
do yourself a favor and lay off the superthrive, for best results only water with it once or twice, once at roughly one month and once more just before flowering thats it. It's so potent that it will somtimes create more problems. It will stay in the soil through out your grow. some ppl sware by it some hate it. i use it only twice during my grows and during cloning. your plants are small and i think you might be over doing it. also get those temps down to about 75 to 85 degrees. your plants will have a hard time growing at those temps and water when your plants need it, you need to get use to the weight of your pots when there watered, it will be eazyer to tell when watering is needed. at your temps you should be watering twice a week.


Active Member
now there we go thanks bro +rep for yu.
ok so superthrve is real strong dont use as much. ok cool i also have b1 and use t every time i water wut about that? how do i get the temps down? exterior grow room temps are stuffy and around 85deg.how do i cool that down.
I have more pics of the yellowng its pretty plain. so less is more


Active Member
B1 really should only be used when transplanting or cloning, that is my opinion and it seems to have worked for me. you really need to just get a decent balanced plant food, 10-15-10 or somthing close for veging then a 0-10-10 or 0-?-? for flowering dont get too high on the nutes and only use them about once a week. look to see what others are using or ask. as for your cooling issue, do you have fresh air going into your grow? if not you need an exaust and an input fan or a passive input, you could do this with some computer fans. you say your pots dry out fast? this is how i water. get a one gal container and a 3 gal bucket, fill your gal and adjust ph, you can lower it with a tsp of vinagar. mix your nutes like instructions say and pour it into the 3 gal bucket, this is done for correct mesurments. mix what you need. now take your pots "assuming they have drain holes" and dunk them in the water not submerging them, use a small container to pour water on top of soil holding them above the water. pour water on the soil till it starts to drip from the bottom. this will ensure complete watering of all the soil, set them in a drip tray for 10 mins and put them back in your grow room. I have great success using this method. remember to feel the weight of the pot while it's wet or weigh it, then when its ready to be watered again weigh it again, make notes of the weight and water when needed, if you have multuple pots when one is ready for water, most likely they all are. hope this helps.


Active Member
your plants look pretty cool i like the mini tree look, but the temps are what is keeping them small. over 90 degrees plants will grow very slow, try to keep them at around 80-83 at least. to get the temps down get a fan or two one blowing towards the plants and one towards the light. also the temperature might be the reason for the yellowing leaves...


Active Member
Ok brother listen... First is first those temperatures, its a must you get them down to NO MORE THAN 82F and thats pushing it. And get some more nitrogen in that soil. cactus doesnt use much nitrgen so there really wont be any in there to begin with. Let me guess you have the Alaska brand fish fert? Mayeb not but get more nitrogen to them and def keep that PH in check. Other than that it dosent seem like you fucked up yet. just get on it +rep for motivavtion+ Good luck Homie!!

Red Robin

New Member
thats nute burn from to much alaskan fish fertilizer plus super thive, I literally made the exact same mistake down to the tee. Just flush your plant and use half the nutes and your plant will be fine. It worked for me and I harvested a nice yeild from the plant.


Active Member
Hello Guys i have New updates and New pictures,,,, :-o i love this life :clap: .... ok buddys, I'm on to the next grow room. WE were using an entertainment center for a large t.v. It was in my buddys room w/ no windows open because it was cold, he constantly smokes in there, and at night his folks turn the heaters on so my temps. were skyrocketing over a hundred. WE fixed that problem quick i moved to a cooler attic and made a full and complete system out of a dresser. ~48x24x18 close idk. Its working. Im drawing fresh air from an open window with an air duct and a fan. Pushing air out of my exhaust with one of the same kinda fans.
1) Fresh air flow= check :clap:
temps are within ten deg. between day and the nite. i'm also doing a 24/h lights on vegg grow.
feeding every other watering
i have lots of smaller plants coming up behind them ...
the smaller ones in the first pics (30 days) are the medium ones in the new pics and the smaller ones wer'nt even in the grow room back then.
im doing well guys...
doing well, plants are growing and thriving
Shooting for SUPERBOWL WEED...



Active Member
So the pics are pretty clear were growing fast and need advice if you notice anything off or funny let me know... Thanks
THE PIC WITH THE THERM. in it my sour diesel clone is in there also its doint very well... the minis are about 12 days old and i also have a hydro dwc bucket in there but shes not doing too well. one of my thicker bushy ones is alredy raising her dress up she s showing those juicy lips of the pre flowers... :clap: :clap: :leaf: :clap:



Active Member
look at this guys.... ;)
the first pic is of my three head palmtree kush and her new baby clone. i took a low cutting and successfully cloned it in the blue party cup ... yae me...the next two pics are the original 4 from the begining. now they are all over 17 inches and full of heads... all the pics in between are of new growth since the last post.. the tall tall one turned out to be male so off with his head... but all the others are showing succulent pearl toungs (pre flowers)
we successfully transplanted into 3 gallons and we have opened our grow space to 3x3x5 thanks guys :leaf: :clap: :clap: :bigjoint: :fire:

