300 watts 5025 lumens grow room


Thanks to the people that posted on afghan skunk help!!! thread my plants have gotten greener and the two leaves on it bigger now im putting chemical fertilizer every 2-3 times i water and i water every 2-3 days they seem to like the light and are flourishing anymore tips please comment


Well-Known Member
I think he added up all his color temps together to get that number lol
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, added incorrectly at that.

Potman just because you have 2 5500K bulbs (or whatever) you are not supplying 11000K, it doesn't work like that, you need to study up on what the Kelvin rating is.

It's kind of like saying you got two heaters blowing 70 degree air. You are not supplying 140 degrees of heat, just twice as much 70 degree air.


ok well then let me put it like this 1 cfl bulb puts out 2700k i have three and one flourescent blub that puts out 3000k sorry im kinda new to this ive watched a few videos and read some about basic marijuana growing and plus im reading the marijuana basics


Well-Known Member
ok well then let me put it like this 1 cfl bulb puts out 2700k i have three and one flourescent blub that puts out 3000k sorry im kinda new to this ive watched a few videos and read some about basic marijuana growing and plus im reading the marijuana basics
Read my analogy above. You do not total Kelvin numbers, it is not cumulative. You are simply providing a certain amount of lumens at 2700, and some at 3000. And anyway in vegetative growth (which you are in) you should be using bulbs in the 5500-6500K range, the bulbs you are using are more proper for flowering. Seriously, do some reading on the light spectrum so you have a clue what you are doing.


Well-Known Member
why does lighting have to be such a headache damn it
Yeah, the devil is in the details.

Not that bad once you get the basic concepts down. It's just as easy to do right as it is to do wrong, with better results.

Wmart should have a good enough selection, the different colors are called different things (daylight, easy white, soft white etc) just look on the packaging for the K rating, it will be on front with the watts, or on the back as a sliding scale type of diagram. Get as much 5500-6500k light on as you can afford. And a bit of 2700 does not hurt at all, in fact it is good, just make the majority from the higher K during veg

Good luck