32x32 Tent Top Bin Suggestions


Well-Known Member
The wonderful growers here talked me out of buying a budget light.
For my 32x32x63" I need about 225-275w.
I need to keep it under $500 USD.
I have looked into HLG and Optic 1.
Are there any other lights that use the top bin horticulture diodes that any one would suggest?
The Optic 1 Phatslim XL are over budget but I can buy them at separate times and mix and match what I have until I get them all.
Just buy a kit from HLG. OR for even cheaper, buy their boards if you wanna make sure you've got top bin, otherwise get boards from Alibaba, and use 2 MeanWell LRS-150-## Drivers to get you rockin.