33 day old lowlife ak47 & Lemon Skunk


Active Member
Hey all, this is my first go with the aerogarden. I started with 2 ak47, 2 lemon skunk, and 1 lowryder2. The lemonskunk was planted on Jan 1 and the ak47 on Jan 3rd. How do these plants look?? They seem to be growing well. I only have 2 females, the other 3 were chopped cuz of thier big balls :(

Using foxfarm nutes, and an extra airstone, 5 extra cfl's.

plant on the left is the lemon skunk and ak on the right. Supposedly im almost 1/2 way home, they really seem to be growing taller now. Lots of branching. Any opinions or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Never done this b4 and want to make sure i do this right.

Thank you all for any suggestions



Active Member
Damn those plants look good. No suggestions for me... just hope you have room
thanks.....I can lift the light up another 12 inches. I was told these plants would not get taller than 24" i have enough room for that. I have a 400w hps that i need ot set up and then hieght won't matter at all. Pretty sure ill be ok either way. Is it true the hps will get me more yield??


Active Member
thanks.....I can lift the light up another 12 inches. I was told these plants would not get taller than 24" i have enough room for that. I have a 400w hps that i need ot set up and then hieght won't matter at all. Pretty sure ill be ok either way. Is it true the hps will get me more yield??
A HPS will put out more lumens and are good for flowering, but the get a lot hotter than the cfl's you are growing with now. So you'll have to leave about 8" of space