3800+ PPM runoff in flower


Well-Known Member

I recently had another post going about heat stress/burn, but after further investigation I think it might actually be soil/nutrient related. My girl was planted in late September early October, and started 12/12 on December first. Shes in a five gallon pot in FFOF soil, and has been getting the FF trio nutrients. I usually water/feed/water/feed/ect, but sometimes I skip a feed and water twice depending on how hectic my schedule is.

I originally thought I burned my plant, but after pruning off the damaged leaves I noticed more popping up. Its browning/damage around the edges of my leaves, and a general droop throughout the plant.

I noticed the soil was looking really white/different when it dried out compared to my other younger plants, so I gave it a full watering and collected the runoff. I put my meter in the runoff and it measured 3800-3900 PPM. From what I have read, that's really high.

Do I need to take the plant out and transplant into new soil? Or can I just run water real heavy for a few days and see about dropping the PPM that way?

Thanks for any help, I haven't had to deal with this problem before.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a flush, and a good one at that.

Sounds like alot of salt build up from all of your feedings. Do you allow run off when you water? when i watering with feed, i make sure to get about 20% runoff of the total amount of water put in. Shouldnt be very dark looking water coming out the bottom. Thats helped me to only have to flush 2 time thru whole grow.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a flush, and a good one at that.

Sounds like alot of salt build up from all of your feedings. Do you allow run off when you water? when i watering with feed, i make sure to get about 20% runoff of the total amount of water put in. Shouldnt be very dark looking water coming out the bottom. Thats helped me to only have to flush 2 time thru whole grow.
Thanks Crawlintbss, this is exactly what I ended up doing. Took about 20-25 gallons of water but I finally got the PPMs down to about 700 or so. My water has a base ppm of 300, so I dont think thats too bad. Im letting her drain out some more, then she will go back into the room. Do you have a ballpark on how long it will take for her to recover and show signs of improvement? Guess im a bit impatient when it comes to problems, just want to make sure I address the issue now instead of waiting if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Also keep in mind that when dealing with bottles organic ferts the PPM readings are not going to read true as with salt based ferts.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I didnt know that. Thanks Figgy :bigjoint: Learning new stuff every day, just wish I had thought of checking this earlier. I really thought it was just a burn from the light since it got hot in that room. Should have known better!


Well-Known Member
Im only on my first grow as well but did years of reading until i had a place to do it.

your damaged leaves are SOL( shit outa luck ) now. If not too bad and still have a life like feel, i leave them. I dont cut til they get real bad.

Good that you got the ppms down, you obviously had way too much build up. I like to get about 20% run off when i feed to make sure to kinda wash out any older stuff. So if 1 gal goes in, i like to see about 1/4 of that come out. If your drainage is good, you should get that.

We all get impatient, just ride it out. you should see new growth coming in unharmed and good. Just wait it out. Im on my last week waiting to cut down and i can feel my impatience coming back. Just gota tell yourself, youve waiting 3 months... whats an extra few days.

usually when you see tip burn on a leaf, that is indication that you are on the edge or too much food. Always start at about half and increase from there if they dont show signs of problems. Easier to add more then try to remove to much , especially in soild. Hydro you could dump out and remake.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I didnt know that. Thanks Figgy :bigjoint: Learning new stuff every day, just wish I had thought of checking this earlier. I really thought it was just a burn from the light since it got hot in that room. Should have known better!
The decline in ppm was still achieved whether the test was accurate or not. Just don't get into a PPM frenzie with organics. Good luck with the grow.


Well-Known Member
i first started checking ppm everyday. itll drive you nuts.

i dont even bother checking run off anymore unless i know i have a problem. good run off keeps me from worrying, as i learned on here. ive flushed twice in my whole grow, both due to calcium/ph issues, otherwise i probably wouldnt even have had to.... and i was feeding constant. no water inbetween. They took it like champs!

Good luck dude!