3rd grow, obviously still a n00b though! haha

Hey guys!
Welcoming myself back here after about 2 years, so, Howdy partners!
Look guys It seems like a few of these girls are havin a little bit of a hard time..
Ive SORT OF had the same thing happen every time but I just ignore it as i don't need, like ,mass production or anything, i just smoke 2 grams a day.. Though I know you guys be feelin me when i say it would be nice to have some extra medicine handy! haha.
These two girls are both 4 weeks old now, So as you can see, their not doing to well in terms of growth, BUT that might be because im growing under a six hundy MHfghdfndfn.jpgghjdgjnd.jpgimage (2).jpgdfghndfgngfhn.jpg bulb with only 75 % power running to it (broken dimable ballast) however that should have nothing to do with my problem.
He's got them on 18/6, veggin out while another 2 auto flowers soak up the 18 hours :)
They're growing in seed raising soil, with a mix of perlite, vermiculite, some urea (nitrogen stuff) and some blood and blone as well as a comple of pinches of magnesium and sulphate when the soil was first blended up..
They get watered with rain water once every two days (I dont generally bother to check the PH cause its usually perfect) And every week with some nutes like fish stuff and some all purpose water soluable fert thats; NPK – 25 : 5 : 8.8. annndddd it says also on the box Nitrogen : Phosphorus ratio – 5:1 (thrive all purpose)
Temps are around 80 (27 celcius) when the light is on and 70 when its off (cant help it, love to keep it at 75 or something), though the air coming into the room is from low and its actually quite coldish on your feet to stand on the floor in the room cause the air comin in from outside the room is usually around 63 degrees (17 celcius)
I've read through ALL the sticky's and just cant seem to really pin point the problem, as its not really worsening or diapering.. it just stays there lol.
Its been a week since ive really started seeing these changes, SLOWLY getting worse but bearly noticeable when your checking them everyday.
I need help ladies and gents, who better to ask then all my fine fellow smokers and growers!
Aside from the obvious discoloration and strange texture at the base of some blades and the strange caterpillar type injury, the veins are also quite yellow.. And the leaves crease and almost snap if you bend em.. They feel papery.. or like they have a furry/raspy glaze over them aswell.
Lemmie know! Peace!


New Member
Maybe a little cal mag you help you problem. Other than that your plants are healty and right on track.


Well-Known Member
You're expecting 1300g dry from using a single 600w at 75% power???

Expect to be severely disappointed.

Good growers on RIU generally exceed 1g/w. I myself regularly exceed 1.09g.

You are talking about +2g/w with little knowledge.

Good luck but be prepared to get less than 600g from a 600w.



Active Member
Yooooo, First grow/yield... Lol what man in their right mind wants to reminisce with others about their first yield... hahahaha
But the second one was about 3 ounces dry off each plant on average. These where outdoors mind you where the plants could grow to 5 foot tall & they had a full 6 months to grow and develop, too mind you, so its sorta out of context to this...
Alright yeah i'll throw in some extra ca supplement for that one then. Seems like the right idea by the sounds.
But yeah Jondamon, ma man, i was gonna switch them too 100% maybe 3 weeks before they hit the flowering schedule?
Do you think that the missing 25% could have actually done more damage in what the yield might be now that they're sort of stunted/not used to adequate lumens? And hense wouldn't be used to the full 100 % light when they get it and wouldn't take it all in for like some sort of extra "HOLY FUCK, YUM, LIGHT!" growth spurt?? which I think might double the amount of flow going to each branch and then further transferr that flow into the buds when they go on 12/12??
Cause man, I could swear to god, using the 75% has REALLY made the branches pack TIGHTLY together.. and with the combined bending I've done they've really got some nice structure to develop from.
Just check this one out,
View attachment 2718808View attachment 2718810

Again these are no more then 10 inches high.. if that.
But I do understand what you meant there with the +2/w equation.. Or wait do you mean that if I only have ONE 600W, no matter how many plants are in the room oorrrrrr how many bud forming branches I manage to make develop on these 8 mary janes, I STILL should only expect to achieve a maximum of 600g (645 in your case) out of the whole crop ?????
To be honest, even if i switched to 100%, I was NEVER planning on having any hope to achieve 1g/w. The plants are only a maximum of like, 400-600gram yielders according to the seed website anyways.. or am i getting the wrong idea from that too??

this is today:
View attachment 2718811

The "Yield" that seed websites put out are generally shit, yield depends on too many factors of the growing environment and the growers experience.