3rd Time growing. 3's the lucky Charm?


Hey gang;

It's been such a long time since ive been here that i forgot my last username, password and all the info that went with it. So i started a new profile. I germinated my 1st seed on Valentines Day 2013, almost a year ago; and its been quite a ride. More downs than ups, but they were all learning experiences.

this has been my setup thus far:

Closet: 25 sqf covered in Mylar. 7 foot ceiling.

Light: 600 Watt Apollo Ballast. Apollo Mh bulb for Veg; HPS for flower. (Cheap Chinese equipment if you ask me; but i got it for a bargain on those cheap Ebay kit offers.)

Soil: Roots Organics Original

Nutrients: Roots Organics, 5ML Master Feeding Schedule.

Ph Meter: Checker by HANNA (got it for $40, what a rip-off) http://www.hannainst.com/manuals/manHI_98103.pdf

R.O. Water.

Intake/Outtake centrifugal fans.

seeds: The Attitude (all feminized) So far all have been Female. No males.


Reason for using Organics is that i keep reading that Organic is much better than synthetic in every way. However, i've come to question on how "Really" "Organic" this product is. More on that later.

First Grow. (Feb 14th - Late May)

Reason for such a long grow period is because is went through a lot of deficiencies or nute burns. Or both. Bunch of newbie mistakes as well.

Lemon Thai Kush in 10gallon pot.
Top Skunk 44 in 5gallon pot.

Week 2:

Week 4:

successful Topping:

Week 5 (went an extra week of veg): the 10 gallon pot allowed for some explosive growth.

In my Opinion, working with Roots Organics is really easy during the Vegetative Stages. Once Flowering comes. It's a whole different story.

Week 1 - 4 of Flower: This was the Prime of my babies. Very erect with leaves pointing up.

Then this happened:

Week 4 -8 was either a deficiency or nute burn disaster.

The buds were extremely sticky and stinky. However, very Fluffy and Light.

the smoke was not all that great either. Taste was not there. Very smoky and harsh. But after curing it for a month the quality did improve. I harvested about 4.5 ounces. I'm sure it could have been double that if the buds would have been denser.

My second grow was not all that Impressive either. but it was a step up. I started my second batch from clones from my 1st grow.

3 plants in 5 gallon pots.

like i said, Vegetating is superb, but come flowering, I start messing up.

the buds came out just a bit better than my first ones.

However, they still came out fluffy and the taste was still smoky, harsh, and resin like. Also, after drying them upside down for about a week in complete darkness, they got very dry and brittle. Any delicate touch with make the bud break apart into dust. This happened in both of my harvests. I was able to bring some moisture back into them while curing them in mason jars. But it's just not the same quality i get from other sources.

So my guess is that all my problems derived from pH imbalances. Not only did i have a cheap pH meter, i sometimes lost my patience when calibrating the pH. At times it took like 15min per gallon. always jumping up and down and not remaining constant. Sometimes i would just feed it 6.2 sometimes 6.8 sometimes 6.5 etc. it would range from 6.0 to 7.0. Also, after feeding them, i would check the runoff and it would always come out lower by an entire point. if i fed the plant at 6.5, the runoff would be 5.5 or sometimes even lower. Is this good or bad? is the pH lowering because its being absorbed by the soil and roots?

Grow #3:

New pH meter: https://www.getbluelab.com/Products/...ab-pH-Pen.aspx

Started from seed: OG Kush, Lemon Thai Kush, Sour Diesel, White Widow.

1st week of feeding Veg

2nd week

Already seeing signs of deficiencies.

Week 3:

More deficiencies showing up.
Looks like sulfur deficiency?

Even after buying the new BlueLabs pH Pen, the runoff after each feeding is still coming out way lower than when i calibrated right before feeding.

Also, my Nutrients are from early 2013 when i bought them. Since these nutrients are supposedly organic, is there an expiration date on these things? Should i buy new ones?

I might be a little naive on how really "organic" this stuff is; I know there are a lot of Truly organic recipes out there for Teas and Hot Soils, but i just don't have the time or space to get into all of that. Am i better off buying miracle grow or foxfarms because im hearing of really crazy stories on how miracle grow, no matter how synthetic it is, produces great results.

Any input, constructive criticism, and opinions welcome.



Well-Known Member
2 things I would have done differently off the top of my head. Moved the carbon filter to the TOP of the closet and heat rises, so does smell. And I would have gotten a better Ballets... Maybe that is why your buds are coming out fluffy instead of dense? organics is great. MG, if you want, will grow you GREAT buds, just have to flush.

ALSO!! I am seeing a lot of stretching on those plants... A tip, use the MH for the first 2 weeks of flower to minimize stretching. Maybe this will help you keep compact buds too.

What is your feeding schedule? Amounts? I do agree the veg goes great but SOMETHING is off in the flowering... not sure, need more details.


Ballets? I'm guessing you mean Ballast? and Yes, that is a cheap ass ballast. Stretching? Ditto. I did let those things grow tall. Also, i think i left too many bottom nodes which did not receive sufficient light and created a lot of pop-corn bud, thus robbing energy from the top buds. That's my opinion. I will concentrate more on pruning more efficiently this time around and keeping them shorter.

For feeding schedule. I do One gallon of nutrients per plant. All 4 plants are in 5gallon fabric pots.
This is the schedule: http://www.aurorainnovations.org/AuroraInnovations_MasterFeedingSchedule.pdf

Halfway trough each week, i will feed it pure 6.5 R.O. water until it gives me a slight run off.

I'm going to experiment using miracle grow? how often do i need to flush? Every other week?