3rd week flowering spider mites


evil little bastards. what should i do? please suggest products as specifically as possible! the less chemical, the better!


Well-Known Member
I don't know how big your grow is, but you could try Doktor Doom Spray or Bomb.

It's made from flowers, has a half life of 2 1/2 days.

There is other stuff, I'm sure people will tell you their favorites :leaf:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I used a vacuum to suck as many off as possible, and then "dont bug me" from fox farms. This is a natural bug killer. You may have to do this twice, as the spray doesnt kill the eggs, only the adults. I have heard many people on these threads say to use a hot shot pest strip from home depot, but it is chemical. I have never used one, but i heard it worked on many other spidermite threads.
Good luck, kill all those little bastards!!!


Well-Known Member
he said "hot shot pest strip from home depot, but it is chemical."

But it really works. I put one in my box early in the grow, then take it out when I flower. Some people leave it in all the time or until the last month of flower.

I moved my box and cleaned it out, placed a Hot Shot No Pest Strip in the middle. The next day I found 1 dead bug, no more for the rest of the grow.

Just $ 0.02 :weed:


Well-Known Member
get azamax.. if you use hydro, add it to the resi. if soil add it too your water and nutrient solution.. also spray them with it heavy.. i had them in week four of bloom and although i lost weight from there damage, azamax saved them in a matter of 3 days after application. shit saved me. einstien oil and doctor doom bombs didnt even scratch the surface..


Well-Known Member
id like to see some pix of exactly how bad an infestation you got goin on the vacuume idea sounds clever too for a small grow


Well-Known Member
he said "hot shot pest strip from home depot, but it is chemical."

But it really works. I put one in my box early in the grow, then take it out when I flower. Some people leave it in all the time or until the last month of flower.

I moved my box and cleaned it out, placed a Hot Shot No Pest Strip in the middle. The next day I found 1 dead bug, no more for the rest of the grow.

Just $ 0.02 :weed:
i have some and it says not to be around it more than 4 hours for people and pets. sounds scary if you think about smoking it. i dont have bug problems yet so its still in the bag.its made for empty places, trailers, barns, attics, cabins when your not there ect.