
Well-Known Member
The Four Bills-HB-4834, HB-4851, HB-4853, and HB-4856, will be voted on this Thursday out of committee. We must as a community load up the phones. We need to be polite, but tell each member of the Committee that you oppose these Bills, and they need to oppose these bills. Let them know you will remember how they voted come November, and your Vote will be contingent on their Vote on Thrusday.

Be Prepared for a major protest. It will be you that will suffer if any of these bills pass. Please utilize the list of Rep Numbers and make this last push to help Entice the Reps to Vote No on these 4 bills. Your Voice does make a difference.

Again, just be Polite and re enforce these bill are Not Supported by the People and Voters of Michigan.


John J. Walsh (517) 373-3920 ..........JohnWalsh@house.mi.gov
Kurt Heise (517) 373-3816 ..........KurtHeise@house.mi.gov
Judson S. Gilbert II (517) 373-1790 ..........JudGilbert@house.mi.gov
Ken Horn (517) 373-0837 ..........kennethhorn@house.mi.gov
Kurt Damrow (517) 373-0476 ..........KurtDamrow@house.mi.gov
Paul Muxlow (517) 373-0835 ..........PaulMuxlow@house.mi.gov
Bradford C. Jacobsen (517) 373-1798 ..........BradJacobsen@house.mi.gov
Peter Pettalia (517) 373-0833 ..........PeterPettalia@house.mi.gov
Pat Somerville (517) 373-0855 ..........PatSomerville@house.mi.gov
Kevin Cotter (517) 373-1789 ..........KevinCotter@house.mi.gov
Mark Meadows (517) 373-1786 ..........markmeadows@house.mi.gov
Bob Constan (517) 373-0849 ..........bobconstan@house.mi.gov
Stacy Erwin Oakes (517) 373-0152 ..........StacyErwinOakes@house.mi.gov
Lisa Brown (517) 373-1799 ..........LisaBrown@house.mi.gov
Jeff Irwin (517) 373-2577 ..........JeffIrwin@house.mi.gov
Phil Cavanagh (517) 373-0857 ..........PhilCavanagh@house.mi.gov
John Olumba (517) 373-0144 ..........JohnOlumba@house.mi.gov

bob harris

Well-Known Member
The Four Bills-HB-4834, HB-4851, HB-4853, and HB-4856, will be voted on this Thursday out of committee. We must as a community load up the phones. We need to be polite, but tell each member of the Committee that you oppose these Bills, and they need to oppose these bills. Let them know you will remember how they voted come November, and your Vote will be contingent on their Vote on Thrusday.

Be Prepared for a major protest. It will be you that will suffer if any of these bills pass. Please utilize the list of Rep Numbers and make this last push to help Entice the Reps to Vote No on these 4 bills. Your Voice does make a difference.

Again, just be Polite and re enforce these bill are Not Supported by the People and Voters of Michigan.


John J. Walsh (517) 373-3920 ..........JohnWalsh@house.mi.gov
Kurt Heise (517) 373-3816 ..........KurtHeise@house.mi.gov
Judson S. Gilbert II (517) 373-1790 ..........JudGilbert@house.mi.gov
Ken Horn (517) 373-0837 ..........kennethhorn@house.mi.gov
Kurt Damrow (517) 373-0476 ..........KurtDamrow@house.mi.gov
Paul Muxlow (517) 373-0835 ..........PaulMuxlow@house.mi.gov
Bradford C. Jacobsen (517) 373-1798 ..........BradJacobsen@house.mi.gov
Peter Pettalia (517) 373-0833 ..........PeterPettalia@house.mi.gov
Pat Somerville (517) 373-0855 ..........PatSomerville@house.mi.gov
Kevin Cotter (517) 373-1789 ..........KevinCotter@house.mi.gov
Mark Meadows (517) 373-1786 ..........markmeadows@house.mi.gov
Bob Constan (517) 373-0849 ..........bobconstan@house.mi.gov
Stacy Erwin Oakes (517) 373-0152 ..........StacyErwinOakes@house.mi.gov
Lisa Brown (517) 373-1799 ..........LisaBrown@house.mi.gov
Jeff Irwin (517) 373-2577 ..........JeffIrwin@house.mi.gov
Phil Cavanagh (517) 373-0857 ..........PhilCavanagh@house.mi.gov
John Olumba (517) 373-0144 ..........JohnOlumba@house.mi.gov

Just so ya know: The sky is not falling

hb 4834: Photo on ID card...no big deal..just like drivers license

hb 4851: Definition of Bona fide patient / physician relationship...would make things harder for patients using "motel room" doctors

hb 4853: Sentencing guidelines for selling cannabis outside of registry card rules....crime now..just sentencing guide...along with a bunch of guides for non cannabis offenses..cannabis is a very small part of this bill

hb 4856: Guide for transport of medical mj....no big deal..would make transport confined to the trunk in a sealed container, with no access from passenger compartment..actually, this seems reasonable

These 4 bills may be the least disruptive to the med mj community....HB 4851 would require a treatment history between the Doctor and patient other than the cannabis qualification meeting. It would also require that the Dr. would expect follow up visits, to evaluate the effects of medical cannabis.

HB 4851 is the only Bill that may have a significant effect on a patient's ability to get certified.

The other bills are simply clarification, and not that big a deal.

I'd encourage anyone who IS going to call their rep, to focus on 4851..pretty hard to argue against the others. I'd concede that transporting should be in the trunk, I'd also concede that the ID card should have a photo. The sentencing guideline contains so many other things than cannabis..it's hard to imagine that it won't pass.

4851 is a legitimate concern. Many Dr's are prevented by the hospital they are associated with from recommending cannabis. This bill would require that you be able to find a Dr willing to sign, then have at least one prior, non cannabis related visit, prior to signing a recommendation. That makes things more difficult for patients..especially low income patients


Well-Known Member
bob. I was in the Hearings, I have read and understood, not only the Titles to the proposed bills, but all the Amendments that were added to these bills, that you dont/wont see, because they want you to see what you have.

you can not judge these books by the cover. and you must understand Bob, regardless your Ability to Prove your Need for Medical Cannbis, you ll be in the cell right next to me if these bills pass. Do NOT fool yourself into thinking anything they are doing will bring clarity to the Act. All it will do is allow LEO an easier ability to put you and I in jail.

Just so YOU Know.

  • hb 4834: Photo on ID card...no big deal..just like drivers license
    Also Violates Hippa and the Privacy clause of the Act.

    hb 4851: Definition of Bona fide patient / physician relationship...would make things harder for patients using "motel room" doctors
    According to the 3 Cert Drs i spoke with over the last 2 months, all contess, this would eliminate over 80% of the certifications they can do, and will amke the other 20% very hard to justify. Not m Words, the words of 3 Drs that do not support this bill. FYI, this bill ALSO allows Access of the FULL Registry to LEIN for use by ANY and All LEO, for any reason. LEO would see your a registry members simply by running your name, DL< or address.
    hb 4853: Sentencing guidelines for selling cannabis outside of registry card rules....crime now..just sentencing guide...along with a bunch of guides for non cannabis offenses..cannabis is a very small part of this bill- Already law, wastefull legislation. This would also allow them to arrest and prosecute under the CSA, and fully disregard the MMM Act, and those registered to it, like yourself.

    hb 4856: Guide for transport of medical mj....no big deal..would make transport confined to the trunk in a sealed container, with no access from passenger compartment..actually, this seems reasonable-Does it? do you lock your scripts or 6pack or bottle of jack in the trunk? what about when you take it out of the trunk, it not locked, are you legal or not. Also, this bill treats MMJ like a firearm.

    These 4 bills may be the least disruptive to the med mj community....HB 4851 would require a treatment history between the Doctor and patient other than the cannabis qualification meeting. It would also require that the Dr. would expect follow up visits, to evaluate the effects of medical cannabis.

    HB 4851 is the only Bill that may have a significant effect on a patient's ability to get certified.

    The other bills are simply clarification, and not that big a deal.

    I'd encourage anyone who IS going to call their rep, to focus on 4851..pretty hard to argue against the others. I'd concede that transporting should be in the trunk, I'd also concede that the ID card should have a photo. The sentencing guideline contains so many other things than cannabis..it's hard to imagine that it won't pass.

    4851 is a legitimate concern. Many Dr's are prevented by the hospital they are associated with from recommending cannabis. This bill would require that you be able to find a Dr willing to sign, then have at least one prior, non cannabis related visit, prior to signing a recommendation. That makes things more difficult for patients..especially low income patients​



Well-Known Member
While I agree the people's will shouldn't be monkeyed with, I guess that I'm missing the point as to how this will make it easier to jail patients? Yes, with transport it may make for a little extra effort by some people, but the rest really doesn't seem intimidating. I do know the old adage "give an inch take a mile"

bob. I was in the Hearings, I have read and understood, not only the Titles to the proposed bills, but all the Amendments that were added to these bills, that you dont/wont see, because they want you to see what you have.

you can not judge these books by the cover. and you must understand Bob, regardless your Ability to Prove your Need for Medical Cannbis, you ll be in the cell right next to me if these bills pass. Do NOT fool yourself into thinking anything they are doing will bring clarity to the Act. All it will do is allow LEO an easier ability to put you and I in jail.

Just so YOU Know.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
bob. I was in the Hearings, I have read and understood, not only the Titles to the proposed bills, but all the Amendments that were added to these bills, that you dont/wont see, because they want you to see what you have.

you can not judge these books by the cover. and you must understand Bob, regardless your Ability to Prove your Need for Medical Cannbis, you ll be in the cell right next to me if these bills pass. Do NOT fool yourself into thinking anything they are doing will bring clarity to the Act. All it will do is allow LEO an easier ability to put you and I in jail.

Just so YOU Know.

Every law, when first voted in, is vague. Every law is then amended. Cannabis will be no different. Timmahh, you just want to fight for fighting's sake. I've read the bills, not just the titles. If you want to help shape the way the med law gets amended, and amended it will be, then pick battles that make sense.

To simply scream that no changes should be made, is a cry of ignorance. Any state rep would laugh at you and dismiss you as a zealot.

How can you argue with a picture on your ID?
So what if cannabis has to be transported in the trunk. Explain to me why you need it in the passenger cabin.
Sentencing guidelines are legitimate for any crime..and selling cannabis outside of the medical limitations is a crime.

That leaves "bonafide" Dr patient relationship. As you pointed out, the 3 Dr's you spoke to couldn't work with that restriction. OH That's right, they were CERTIFICATION Doctors...the same motel room Dr's I mentioned.
Yes, it would make it more difficult for patients to conform...it would also put the fly by night $200 certifies your hangnail as legitimate motel room Dr's, and considerably slow the issuance of cards to people with no real medical condition that qualifies.

Do you honestly believe the "will of the people" when this law was voted in was to have Profiteering Dr's signing off on anyone to get certified, even when no documented evidence exists that they have a qualifying condition?

For someone with a documented, legitimate qualifying condition, that would mean finding a Dr. with an established, independent practice and having an appointment for a physical, and medical documentation review, the going back again to discuss the cannabis certification. Since the Dr has an established practice (not a hotel room) the reasonable expectation of follow up is built in..you will go back next year to re cert won't you?

My point is that you do not help the cause by opposing every little thing..pick your battles. You just want to fight everything...and that comes across as not interested in making a law that works, but in making law that works for abusers. Not the intent of the people who voted this in.

You seem to have a mis conception of how this got 63% of the vote in the first place. The power of that vote came from an age group in their 40's to 60's..people who have seen loved ones suffer from cancer and other true debilitating diseases. Are you so naive as to think that young people flooded the polls?

If you think that, then don't worry. Cannabis will be legal next year. I'm sure all those people will sign the petition to get it on the ballot and turn out and vote again..so no worries. After all, thier will was to legalize cannabis in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Joe Cain has the handful of mmma members he has left, thinkin the world is gonna come to an end and all 130,000 mmj patients will be thrown in prison unless he keeps fighting:)

It is comical as hell reading some of his posts. Joe thinks he is Captain Cannabis and he WILL save us all from those ruthless tyrants;)
Okay I have lurked around for awhile now and had no reason to post...that was till now.

Not getting into the other bills, I want to know more about the transportation. More to the point, I drive a Yukon...I have no trunk. SO knowing how Leo is would I not be in trouble if this bill passed? :shock:

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Joe Cain has the handful of mmma members he has left, thinkin the world is gonna come to an end and all 130,000 mmj patients will be thrown in prison unless he keeps fighting:)

It is comical as hell reading some of his posts. Joe thinks he is Captain Cannabis and he WILL save us all from those ruthless tyrants;)
I agree...and his formula is the best way to accomplish ruining what he is trying to protect. This law IS going to be amended. A true advocate would be more concerned with writing amendments, rather than opposing everything.

Fighting amendments is futile...helping pen them in more favorable terms would be worthwhile. Timmahh hollers DON"T LET ANYTHING CHANGE...things will change, guaranteed, this culture doesn't need people hoping things won't change, It needs people getting involved with those inevitable changes.
Thanks for the reply.......that does sound like a solution.... but I still wouldn't take the chance with Leo. Just my take on it anyways.


Well-Known Member
In a way I kinda feel bad for Joe, I think this whole thing spun out of control, and he slipped off the deep end.

He fights against everyone, most of his members either left or were banned. I heard he is even feuding with Mike K. the owner of MMMA?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply.......that does sound like a solution.... but I still wouldn't take the chance with Leo. Just my take on it anyways.
You will be fine transporting meds if you have your Card and ID and you're not stoned.

Plus, why would LEO search you if your not doing anything wrong?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
In a way I kinda feel bad for Joe, I think this whole thing spun out of control, and he slipped off the deep end.

He fights against everyone, most of his members either left or were banned. I heard he is even feuding with Mike K. the owner of MMMA?
He like to send a "loud" message.......and unfortunately, a better,more logical,compromising approach, works better than raising your voice.


Well-Known Member
He like to send a "loud" message.......and unfortunately, a better,more logical,compromising approach, works better than raising your voice.
I agree, our Lawmakers must think he is whacked out of his mind?

We need leaders that have their head on straight and can listen, not raging lunatics.

I have a feeling Mike Kormorn is gonna fire Joe from the MMMA, Joe is just bad press.


Well-Known Member
In MI are you required to transport prescription medication, alcohol, or tobacco in a locked trunk?
You have a point, but why would anyone want to drive around with MJ within reach? That just seems to want to push your luck?

Do you think it should be okay to burn a fat doob then drive around town?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
In MI are you required to transport prescription medication, alcohol, or tobacco in a locked trunk?
No..but the point is : Who Cares? why do you need that cannabis within reach? How does it hurt you to put it in the trunk? The only people that should be worried about that change, would be the one's that want a one hitter in their pocket while they drive..so they can use it.

Rule #1 of transporting pot has ALWAYS been: No use,smell,or buzz of any kind while transporting. And in the trunk was always a good idea with any quantity, like say a care giver with 12.5oz's..for his patients.

Or are you driving downtown to look for patients..on the street..and need it handy to pass through the window?


Active Member
No..but the point is : Who Cares? why do you need that cannabis within reach? How does it hurt you to put it in the trunk? The only people that should be worried about that change, would be the one's that want a one hitter in their pocket while they drive..so they can use it.

Rule #1 of transporting pot has ALWAYS been: No use,smell,or buzz of any kind while transporting. And in the trunk was always a good idea with any quantity, like say a care giver with 12.5oz's..for his patients.

Or are you driving downtown to look for patients..on the street..and need it handy to pass through the window?
Get to the back of the bus mentality. Patients need to let politicians know it is not acceptable to treat them like criminals. Reasonable is same sort of practices on similar products (classify by value or toxicity, whatever you want). Its no business of the gov whats in my trunk or in my back seat unless its about to explode and kill people or damage property. Marijuana is not a clear and present danger that must be kept away from any place with children (they do get sick too) or whatever arbitrary hysteria based line they want to define.

If, however, there is similar legislation to transport politicians in locked trunks, I would support that.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Get to the back of the bus mentality. Patients need to let politicians know it is not acceptable to treat them like criminals. Reasonable is same sort of practices on similar products (classify by value or toxicity, whatever you want). Its no business of the gov whats in my trunk or in my back seat unless its about to explode and kill people or damage property. Marijuana is not a clear and present danger that must be kept away from any place with children (they do get sick too) or whatever arbitrary hysteria based line they want to define.

If, however, there is similar legislation to transport politicians in locked trunks, I would support that.
Politicians aren't treating patients like criminals. The are simply separating patients and criminals. The vast majority of these bills are aimed not at patients..but the so called care givers that sprung up everywhere. Specifically, the profiteering greedy kind, the criminals, so that patients can get medicinal quality meds at fair prices. Or grow their own.

And if that's your definition of reasonable, then we need more legislation to put more things in the trunk..not to keep cannabis out of the trunk. Alcohol SHOULD have to go in the trunk..screw your right to have alcohol in the car. What about my right to not get killed by your drunk, or stoned, driving?

The med law has simply created too many wanna be drug lords. It's turned into a circus of putz's buying grow equipment thinking they have a right to grow weed for profit. That's what politicians, and LEO are trying to control. Half the people growing as care givers wouldn't know good cannabis if it hit them in the face. They don't test it..they just peddle it to make some bucks and beat uncle sam.

Should a great grower make some profit? Sure..but that's not what's happening. The best quality cannabis doesn't get to "patients" at a farmers market, or at most dispensaries. It stays, as it always has, in very small circles.

The med law has been abused by so many, that the patients will eventually suffer. And the loudest complainers seem to be the profiteers.