4 plant DWC newb


Well-Known Member
5 gallon bubble-ponic bucket.

5 gallon bucket, lid, holes, net pots, aquarium pump, tubing and an airstone.

Easy for 50$

another 50 for decent nutes however.


Active Member
would it be better to use 1 reservoir for 4 plants, such as a 12 gallon rubbermaid?

or would 4 individual 5 gallon buckets be better?

How many pumps would i need to oxygenate the buckets.

i've never heard of bubble ponics


New Member
U need to do a lot of searching and reading I don't see many people handing u a tutorial with a wealth of info in here wheb all u gotta do is click sear and type dwc. Its easy stuff just put in a half hour of web surfing and ull be off to lowes


Active Member
If you use one container you will have roblems if you need to pull one or more plants as the roots will grow together.

Air pumps... 1 really big on or 1 medium one for each. It's hard to have to much air in your water. I am sure there is a limit, but have yet to hear that someone had to much DO in their water.

Multiple tanks take more effort to maintain. There are trade offs.


Well-Known Member
there is a lot of diy dwc or bubbleponics tutorials on this site. You'll have to search for them.

How big of a screen will you be using? I would do one plant per 5 gallon bucket b/c you'll just overcroud otherwise.

One plant only will work but using more equally spaced will fill out your netting faster. It's all up to you my friend.

Also I'd use a flood and drain if you're using scrog. Rez changes will be hell with a dwc scrog.