4 sprouts, only enough room to grow one...

So, I have 4 sprouts as of right now. I picked the greenest, most healthy looking one and planted into a 3 gallon bucket.
Now, I don't know what to do with the other 3. Because what if the one I have turns out to be a male?
I need to know what to do.
put the three in a 5 gallon container, and keep it in there for a few more weeks. they will be fine sharing a 5 gallon pot. check out my signature, i keep 4 plants in 5 gallons until i find sex and get rid of the males.
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it would be better to keep them seperated in dixie cups. your going to have to rip the roots up when you try to move them to individual containers after they have showed sex.
Nah man, since you are looking for females, just chop the males from the stem. The dead roots will have no problem being in the pot. If you have 2 females, keep them both and put them into flowering as soon as you see their sex. If you have 3 females, go buy a lottery ticket and kiss your wife.
hahaha, It'll be disappointing if I don't get any females out of the 4.
When I see that there are more than 2 females, can I just leave them in the same pot? Or should I attempt to find a second place to grow the other?
I never put more than 1 plant in a container of any size. It's always better to have them separated for so many reasons. I agree with darkdestruction420. My 2c.