4 weeks Flower - Bagseed - dirt- FAN Leaves need help!


Active Member
My neighbors plant is loooooking great!!!!! it's HUGE! I am 6'6' tall, and this thing looks me right in the eyes, maybe even taller then me. Either way, I have a picture of one of his fan leaves, maybe someone can pinpoint the problem so I can rely the information to him. +reppp

He is giving her:
GH Maxi Bloom
Whatever feeding timeframe idk
600w HPS cooltube
- I know one of his problems is he doesn't bother with pH at all (of the runoff) or the pH of the water he feeds her... Just feeds it tap water and has been for months, no problems obviously

Any help would be great! thanks a lot


Active Member
Some yellowing is natural, the curling of those leaves would indicate a possible deficiency, likely realted to the ph issue. out of whack ph can cause certain or all nutes to not be absorbed which then can add to build up issues if youre in soil. they look nice though, tell youre "buddy" all is ok but he chould get on the ph deal. ebay has cheap but effective meters. good luck


Well-Known Member
Mg buddy. It's a little too soon for it to happen so you should compliment some on your next feeding. Or folliar feed every other day


Active Member
Some yellowing is natural, the curling of those leaves would indicate a possible deficiency, likely realted to the ph issue. out of whack ph can cause certain or all nutes to not be absorbed which then can add to build up issues if youre in soil. they look nice though, tell youre "buddy" all is ok but he chould get on the ph deal. ebay has cheap but effective meters. good luck
I gotcha. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm going to get some more pictures of her up here real soon. She is looking beautiful but I feel that she has better potential if we can figure her out.