4 weeks into flower do they look ok


Well-Known Member
looks fine, next time use bigger pots and better soil

dunno your watering schedule and what kind of water you use ? but when you water your plants you should give em a good amount so you see a bit of run off from the bottom drain hole`s and then give em a bit of time to dry out agin

do you use any kind of nutrients and what kind if ?
was a budget start up grow will get bigger pots next time. my white widow one in biggest pot is that too small also
only used a little tomato feed upto now 2 times with tap water
was going to buy ionic boost or bloom tommorow. is it too late for that?
average thats ok then they have had a bit of a hard life as one came from outside was eaten by slugs and everything was spaced out as was hid behind bush and they had to deal with a house move also. and not had proper nutes yet


Well-Known Member
6 is actualy a bit low for soil, would be kind a perfect for coco ;)

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bigger pots = bigger root net = bigger plants = bigger yield so to speak, you of course also have too do your part = keep as close to optimal conditions for the plant`s

but your of to a good start, keep reading, researching and learning
thanks when checked my water ph was 8.0 so if i keep feed ph at 6.0 will this help lower my soil ph,

also if i bought ionic boost can i use 4 days after bloom with next watering each time or am i best just using bloom and boost together ?

im using a 600w grolux sylvia bulb is this good or should i get another not sure how much use its had was a bargain tho carboot sale £10 for bulb, reflector, light fitting and powerpack


Well-Known Member
ahh ok then 6 is probably fine (if your sure your medium is 8 ?)

dunno about your nutrients, try google but in most cases, less is more

and I used the 600W sylvia myself with good results before I got the LED panels, as a rule of thump a bulb will last you 4-5 grows ( a year) so I would for sure look in to a replacement bulb, even a budget bulb is better then a warn out bulb, the budget bulb might just last you less grows and might blow on you before a Etc Philips Sylvia

Ooh yea, and if you got the $ get a few, sucks to blow a bulb in the middle of flowering and then have to wait 2 day for a replacement, tho you could use that one you have now as a back up, no matter what I wouldn't like to "wast" my time and money to grow under a bulb I was`t sure of

a few pictures of me measuring the Lumens output of my 600W sylvia bulb with my "cheap" light meter


+7K Lumens a ft away and around 5K at the top of my plant`s (got it even close after I got a cool hood on it, could also get them perfect temps under 80F)

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thanks ill get a new one should i stick with the dual or get one just for flower phaze ?

plants look nice how old were they and what strain

thanks for chart didnt realise could have them so far away i have mine about 10- 12 inch away

not sure what my medium is just a guess as i bin giving them water of 8.0 ph for from start not realising


Well-Known Member
if you plan to use the HPS from start to finish I would go for a dual arc bulb with some more blue in it

the strain is LSD from Barney´s at about week 5 I believe

and try to aim for a PH around 6,5 when growing in soil
ok next time mite get cfl for veg to save money on electric bill the saving could help pay for better things i may need, does a hps bulb meant for flower make a big diffrence? or is the dual just as good
hi watered with feed at 6.5 ph checked run off was about 7.5 if i used tesco bottled water for a week of 5.5 ph would this sort this