4 weeks into flowering bottom fan leaves are drooping


HELP! Is this normal? I'm 4 weeks into flowering on my first grow everything is still dark green it's just all of the sudden my fan leaves on the bottom half of my plants are drooping.


Active Member
I was experimenting with white bucket..(cheap?) but got a similar problem. I cut some holes in the bottom so I could give it good thorough drainage. You may be experiencing either holding water or even just the opposite but I think its related to that bucket, could it be root bound? looks like a big plant. as for the bucket cut some holes in it and cover the sides..it is very transparent and roots don't like light.


I have a ton of holes in the bottoms of all the buckets I have two white buckets and two blue ones. I just coverd the sides of the white ones with thick black plastic we'll see if that helps but they are all drooping towrds the bottoms of the plants, though one of the two in white buckets seems the worst. I only water when soil is dry and water until I see good run off.is it normal four weeks into flower to see drooping leaves?
After the stretch those bottom fan leaves are a good bit farther away from the light, so it's natural that they won't be as perky as those nearer the top. You could add some CFL's down there, at the sides, but I'd say you're good. I think drooping/yellowing leaves are pretty common down below.

Bear in mind that your girls need to be watered more frequently the bigger they get.


Active Member
Agreed with the low light .....plus you should take off some of the lower branches anyway they won't produce much because of the lack of light and as long as watering is not the issue i am sure it is a light situation ....lollipop them girls


Active Member
Those plants are pretty dense. If the pot is draining nicely I would have to agree with the light. You can try a little trimming of a few leaves to allow air flow and light in. Try not to go to far up the branches. Healthy thick plants though, if the plant is otherwise maturing and healthy I wouldn't worry too much. . lights and air flow should perk her up.


Thanks for the advise, I'm just used to seeing all the leaves perky but it's my first time so I'm always worried ill fuck them up.


Active Member
You are far from messing them up. Just watch your watering and feeding program and know that those plants are going to use a fair amount of nutrients from watever media you are in. By now you should be easing off any N and if needed supplement P/K, trace minerals..etc. Maintain proper PH for your method, If you are in organic, maybe add some molasses in there. But without knowing what your program is its best just to maintain the "basics" right? Your plants look good.

Oh yeah, when I water my bucket plants, I poke a few holes down about ten to 12 inches when I water. That seemd to help. my shorter pots I poke about 6-8in.


Active Member
They look over watered and over feed...on second thought maybe not, hard to tell from the pics lol


I useually water/feed about once a week (plain water every 3rd time) after the soil has dried out. It's an organic soil and I use GH flora nova bloom 2 tsps per gallon.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
That 2nd pic that is sideways sure looks thirsty to me. I think overwatering will give you a little more curl to the leaves. It sucks to get conflicting advice. Is that bucket really heavy? When the plants get big they can feel heavy from the plant itself. If it's real heavy then forget what I said.


Active Member
That 2nd pic that is sideways sure looks thirsty to me. I think overwatering will give you a little more curl to the leaves. It sucks to get conflicting advice. Is that bucket really heavy? When the plants get big they can feel heavy from the plant itself. If it's real heavy then forget what I said.
Could be he said he only waters it once a week


I think they were a little thirsty, watered a couple of days ago and they seem to be looking happier. Thanks for all the advice.