4 weeks into flowering, major problems


Active Member
First of all this is my first grow, and am growing with only cfls due to a small space and limited resources.
I am using:
9 26 watt CFLs (6 2700 "softwhite," 3 6500 "daylight")
About 28" tall right now in a 2 gallon pot (Should pot be bigger?)
Since I started flowering I have been using a diluted version of an orchid bloom booster with an npk of 11-35-15.
There is no evidence of any sort of an infestation and the ph is slightly high but always between 7.2 and 7.6
Everything was going wonderful until about a week ago when the bottom leaves started to droop. I searched here and decided it may be due to rootboundness?
I dont have space for a bigger pot so I hoped for the best but over the last few days the top, young leaves, have quickly deteriorated. They are curled over, small, and look dried out. Upon closer examination the leaves do not seem to be that dry or dead, they seem to be just as moist as the healthy lower leaves, but they curl over, or under, or sideways.
Because of this problem, I flushed the soil and was feeding straight water for the last few days but it has not been getting any better.
This is my first grow and simply by looking at this forum I have made it almost 9 weeks, 4 weeks into flowering on my own, hope you guys can help!

Thanks in advance, noobie #3

I have attached some photos, healthy lower leaves, dying uper leaves, hope this helps... Nancy needs it, as you can see.

Also, I haven't noticed any decrease in bud production, this could just be because this is my first grow, but is it realistic to believe that whatever is killing the leaves will leave the buds alone?



Active Member
I have been watering whenever the top few inches of soil feel dry. During veg it was considerably less obviously but now I seem to be watering about every other day with between 16 and 24 ounces


Active Member
what is your watering like for the plant?
doing it daily or on and off?
how close are you to harvest?


Active Member
I know my ph is slightly high, is there any simple solution to that or do I have to go to a hydro store and buy some ph down. I am only growing one plant and trying to keep it cheap... Any suggestions?


Active Member
Well since the problem has started I have been watering less at a time, but more often (12 ounces every morning the last 4 days) giving my baby plain water because I wasnt sure if it was over or under nuted. I hope to harvest in around 3 weeks


Active Member
if youre 3 weeks from harvest then the PH is quite important and same for the water..

check it and if you need to flush it then it may be a good idea before you start drying for the harvest..

are you 12/12 right now?


Well-Known Member
use one table spoon of vinager to a gal of water. that should help with the ph. then check your moister meter way down towards the bottom of the container that your growing in.
im betting that your way over watering. happened with my last grow. or pick up the cont. and see how heavy it is. in bloom your roots should be towards the bottom of the container . and threw out the pot, if your soil is draining to the bottom and has no way out . then poke some holes in the bottom. so it can run out.


Active Member
candy lime is right, just pick up your pot and see if theres water running from the bottom of the pot or if drenched soil is coming out..


Well-Known Member
you can use lemon juice also its about the same as the vinager 1 tbls per gal. and make shure to check your ph after you mix ur nutes. i always mix up what im going to need a day in advanced then i check the ph a couple of times before i add that to my girls.


Well-Known Member
and i also would flush the hell out of the soil also if you had a ph un corrected your plant are prob. in lock out bye now. but make shure that your drainage is good. thell come back in a couple of days.


Active Member
Jabrown, I am flowering 14 dark/10 light to hurry the process along and I have been for about 4 weeks.

Candy, I do not have a moisture meter (first time and only 1 plant). I will try the holes in the bottom thing.

With the holes, should I completely flush before I try to determine what to do.

I have found that high ph locks out mg, and also that some growers consistatly add epsom salt to their feeding solutions. Should I worry about this? Flush? Continue nutes? Straight water? I figuired I should deal with the ph first? Thanks alot by the way, I was starting to get worried about my first grow being a disaster.