4 wks flowering, fan leaves yellowing

Hello! I have an og kush plant a little under 4 weeks into flowering and am having some issues with my fan leaves yellowing and dying from the bottom the plant up. I've lost a few sets so far and would like to stop this before it works its way up any higher. The plant is in ocean forest soil (ph 7) and the water i give it is usually about ph 6.5ish. She vegged for about 11 weeks because in week 5 from seed she had a little bit of nitrogen burn from adding nutes to the already hot soil, and then in week 8 or 9 it happened again. Neither time was too bad but growth definitely slowwed alot and she has some clawed leaves. all seemed well when i started flowering but now about once a week i lose a set of fan leaves. My fear is that this is nitrogn beng locked out from the nutrient problems in veg. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice? And can anyone tell me how serious a problem this is? Hopefully ill still pull a decent harvest from this girl. thank for any input


Well-Known Member
Extremely common thing to happen if you have cut back on N. In fact all but guaranteed.
Sorry i should have mentioned earlier that i have only fed her twice, those two times during veg that caused the clawed leaves and slow growth. And it was just eighth strength the recommended dose for general feeding of fox farm grow big. But thats all the nutrients i have ever given her. i should also probably mention she's under a 150 hps and a 40w cfl amd the temperatures in my tent stay between 75-80 degrees. the only thing holding me back from just giving her some nutrients to try to correct the problem is that I'm worried she won't be able to uptake all the nutrients and may experience some kind of lockout or another overdose because of the nitrogen overdoses in veg. I've read the nitrogen overdose can destoy the vascular system of the plant so i don't wanna push it with the nutrients at all. on the other hand i don't want her to have any deficiencies either so I'm really unsure of what i should do. thanks again for the help


Well-Known Member
She needs to be fed, she is working on her 15th week in that soil. The soil is now mostly depleted. I have never heard of the vascular system being permanently damaged by a single high N feeding. Regardless, it is a relatively tough plant and will heal most wounds very quickly. I would start by feeding 1/4 grow and 1/4 bloom then give her some time to show how she is reacting to it. If it looks like it helped start moving up the dose slowly. My guess is you will see a big difference in about a week.
Let us know how it progresses. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I've read the nitrogen overdose can destoy the vascular system of the plant so i don't wanna push it with the nutrients at all. on the other hand i don't want her to have any deficiencies either so I'm really unsure of what i should do. thanks again for the help
Destroy is a little harsh, but it does screw with the roots (which are vascular of course) ability to absorb water and that's why you see the clawing.

Thats the ying and the yang here, giving 'em plenty but not too much. Ya gotta "read the plant" as they say, and maybe now she's telling you something?

Personally I'd feed her, only 2 feedings and she's 15 weeks old if I'm understanding here.

I looked that stuff up and it's 6-4-4 recommended feeding 2 tsp/gal every other watering.

I'd for sure give her 1/gal once and see what happens. If nothing, I'd keep it up.

Some things to consider:
- She's a lot bigger now and is using more food. She was a pup, now she's a big dog and needs to be fed accordingly
- If she's low on N she may well be running low on other nutrients needed for strong flowering
- Lots of sativas don't need as much N, but they still need some to the end to avoid leaf loss
- Odds are if she's running low overall on nutes her yield will be reduced somewhat

15 weeks... I'd love to see a pic of her, sounds like a horse.

Good Luck - AIM


Well-Known Member
She needs to be fed, she is working on her 15th week in that soil. The soil is now mostly depleted. I have never heard of the vascular system being permanently damaged by a single high N feeding. Regardless, it is a relatively tough plant and will heal most wounds very quickly. I would start by feeding 1/4 grow and 1/4 bloom then give her some time to show how she is reacting to it. If it looks like it helped start moving up the dose slowly. My guess is you will see a big difference in about a week.
Let us know how it progresses. Good Luck!
Damn ya type fast, beat me to the post! I think were in agreement here!
Awesome ill give her some tigerbloom (2-8-4) tomorrow when i water. thanks again for the answers guys, exactly the input i wanted. I'm just having to use my phone right now but hopefully i can get a pic of her up soon. she's definitely getting pretty beastly lol she's a little over 3 ft and packing on more and more resin every day. hopefully the bloom nutes will up that even more. thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Man you could give her a full dose of that, it has little N and that's what shes wanting. JMO