400 Watt CFL Grow- One LST Plant

Looking good man, I'm doing something close to your's with 6 26 cfls and two t8 fluorescents. 4th week vegetating
Are you doing some type of trimming, or you're think of start one? I was asking because I don't know if I should trim or not.

Happy growings!

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Looking good man, I'm doing something close to your's with 6 26 cfls and two t8 fluorescents. 4th week vegetating
Are you doing some type of trimming, or you're think of start one? I was asking because I don't know if I should trim or not.

Happy growings!
Yes I trim a bunch of the bottom stuff. During LST you get yellow leaves near the bottom and under your bud sites where no light reaches. The branches are pulled down with string so everthing can get equal light. Average CFL penetration is four inches. Tall plants under CFL get small buds at the bottom.....ask me how I found that out?

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-your plant looks like its deseased or sum shit, lok at those screwny leaves man-fix it and we can talk some more.u have 400w of cfls-i have seen exellent job on 78w of cfls, now man, tell my, whts the prob???you may have just shitty soil with off ph or shitty strain???
give me more info man.sorry about being so harsh but u got to learn from somewhere.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
yo man-your plant looks like its deseased or sum shit, lok at those screwny leaves man-fix it and we can talk some more.u have 400w of cfls-i have seen exellent job on 78w of cfls, now man, tell my, whts the prob???you may have just shitty soil with off ph or shitty strain???
give me more info man.sorry about being so harsh but u got to learn from somewhere.
Hey Dude.....I just moved...... built a new grow space and potted up.....she was a little root bound but not deficient in much of anything. I looked over the pics again and she may look a little off. I had just misted her foliar before the pic was taken.
Here are some fresh pics.

I dunno if you are the guy to teach me something but I am always ready to learn. Maybe look over these recent pics and give your opinion!:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like she has a bit of heat stress. Maybe those lights on the left run a little hot. What kind of temps do you get at the canopy with that much wattage so close?


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
They do look a little depressed. Great potential though. What kind of air movement do you have?
This is my fan. It has an exhaust and or intake...its is mounted over the lights. It is an old window unit with different temp settings....today it stayed in the lower 70s but i have had it get up to 90 once or twice when the timer failed....it was never that hot for more than an hour as I have been checking it when the lights kick on since this my first enclosed space. My last two grows were in a large walk in closet and under only four 42 watt bulbs....168 watts.

I let my girls get a drink once a week. This is a Tidy Cat litter pail she is potted in....must be nearly five gallons of which half is fresh Fox Farms Ocean Forest amended with worm castings and bat guano. Last night at lights out she was fed with one gallon of rested tap water two tablespoons of mollases, a tablespoon of Alaska Morbloom, and a little worm poo and bat poo brewed with an aquarium pump in another tub for a day. Then the pot was sat in this tub to feed from the bottom up and encourage the roots down in the new soil. She was in a one and half gallon container before and was vegged for two months and two weeks. The original plan was to start flower on the summer solstice June 21st but I was busy moving. So she vegged a few more weeks while I unpacked and built the new grow shelf.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
About height restrictions. What are you planning to do when she starts budding? The lights look a little close and looks like you have no room to adjust the lights up.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Rather than explain all that look under Grow Room design & Set-up....I have a thread going the called Indoor Stealth Basement One plant Grow Shelf......in short....I lower the shelf and the lights stay stationary....I also have a thread in Organics.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Some pics from today.

1. The Chihuahua is my attack dog. He is followed up by a full accompaniment male felines and they can and do kick his ass! I had to give him a job....isnt that what we do in AMERICA! LOL!

2. The full monty side one

3. Side two

4. Finger sized bud....more than half of 34 buds are this size at a little less than four weeks 12/12

5. The clone, fully rooted in three weeks, up pot this weekend....bring her up to the light....she will probably mature three weeks after I harvest plant number one.

6. Top view

7." " "

8." " "

9. Side three with finger length bud

10 Side three minus my fat finger

11. again

12. Side four

I also started four more clones. I needed to thin the density so that the stronger new growth could get some light. Older branches that were hidden below were clipped


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! This girl looks better due to getting a fresh bed of soil. I was late potting up, and like I said....we moved. I posted my first two grows at another site before coming here. I Had just posted the veg of this grow at this other site when they slammed shut. Kaput, fini!

So, I came back here. I have been a member here since last fall but just couldn't get past the sniping factor so I posted elsewhere. When I came back my threads in Organics and Grow Space Design were all but ignored.....crickets chirping.....moon passes, many days......nada!

Im still working on my Grow Space..... and its still Organic. Here at home I have a few beds to turn outside. Gardening is a new past time for me. Its hard to believe I come from a long line of farmers, but sad to say....I do.