400 watt HPS and 200 watts of t5


Active Member
In one closet. 6ft tall 6 feet wide 2 feet deep...

whats an estimate on a bare minimum of cubic feet per minute fan that i would have to purchase for intake and exhaust... Im talking BARE minimum here. my door is temporary made out a of pvc pipe frame and a sheet, lined on the inside with mylar. Im going to cut holes and use 60 cfm fans in the sheet/door. I was thinking 3 - 60's on top for exhaust and 2 60's on bottom for intake..

you guys think that would work?

thanks for any replys



Active Member
You're exhausting 72 cubic feet of space so if you're fans are rated at 60 cfm, I would think you'd need only 2 (1 intake/1 exhaust). If they were on continually, it would keep a nice air flow through the space. Even if they were intermittent, it would only take a few minutes to completely exhaust and intake fresh air.


hi ya i got a 400 watt duel spec light in a 5 foot high 2 foot wide and 2 foot deep box this ok