400 Watt MH Bulbs? What to get? Worth the extra $?

I am looking to get a 400W MH bulb for veg, but am deciding what bulb to get. You can drop from $25 for a shop light to $120+ for proper spectrum. Is the extra $ really worth it? Especially since I am only using it for veg and switching to a Hortilux HPS for flower?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing. I mean I got some cheap bulbs that are like the one's that came with my hood and ballast kit that I bought of of ebay. I have been using cheap ones for about 2 years now, but I found some good Digilux for $55 on ebay. I still haven't popped on it yet. I would only spend good money on the HPS bulb for flowering but that's just me.