4000 watt grow, is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU so currently I have a 1600 watt room set up and I honestly dont like the mix (1-1k, 1-600) and want to even it out, so im wondering how do I approach this, is 4000 watts for a 10x10x7 room overkill? Just enough? How likely are I to run into problems with electricity (like breakers etc?)

Anyways thanks for your advise, and once again is 4k overkill?

The Count

Well-Known Member
I ran 4x1000 HPS in a 10x12x7 so you should be ok in a 10x10x7. You will definitely run into a breaker issue if theyre all on the same circuit but that can be solved with a MLC-4x as long as u have access to a 30amp breaker. I had my room in the basement so I just spliced a line into my dryer line and ran that to the MLC. Only issue was I couldnt run my dryer when my lights were on but who does laundry between 8pm - 8am

The Count

Well-Known Member
very simple... I have 0 electrical experience and I pulled it off in 30 minutes... first step is to find the correct breaker and shut it off. Second youll need some 10 gauge wiring from home depot or lowes, a junction box and some wiring nuts. Cut the 30amp wire that runs to the dryer where ever you want to put ur junction box. Cut back the protective covering of each wire... match em up( red to red, black to black) inside the box, twist em together so theyre in good contact and twist the wire nut over the wires so they arent coming in contact with any other wires. Tighten up your junction box cover... run the wire to wherever your MLC-4X is going to be mounted... guide the wires in through the bottom of the MLC... match up where the wires go and screw em down. Turn back on your breaker... plug the cord that turns on the MLC into a standard 120v outlet... set the timing schedule... plug ur ballasts in and viola. Not only will you be able to run all 4 lights you'll also pay what it costs to run 2 lights when your really running 4. Ballasts usually pull 7 amps but you pay for 15 when you run 1... the MLC splits up the amperage and sends 7.5 to one outlet and 7.5 to the other so you can run 2 for the price of one. Just make sure you use the 240v ballast cords if the came with them. If they didnt come with them(quantum ballasts send you 120v and 240v cords) you might need to buy em.


Well-Known Member
I like the 4 600 cutting the room in half and having 2 on flower and 2 on veg and do the prepetual thing. mothers in the closet

4- 4x4 tables room to move around them. 2 ft path up one side and down the middle w/ dorway toflower room in middle pathway. 16 plants per table 32 always in flower. take clones every 8 weeks. harvest 2 lbs. every 8 weeks. sounds fun.



I just finished a 4k grow in a space like that. It's not overkill at all as long as you run a dedicated 8awg wire for the ballasts (ex. mine was from the stove double pole 35amp fuse at 230v).


Well-Known Member
I agree with Sencha. 4,000w is more than you need in a space like that. if you are gonna be growing tall plants (4' +) then go for it but 600's will serve the purpose. you don't design the lights around the footprint of the room. you design the lights around the footprint of the plants. you aren't going to have plants covering the entire 10x10 space or else you wouldn't be able to walk in the room. chances are you are going to need other equipment like dehumidifiers, fans, ac, etc... too.

figure out how big you are going to grow your plants and how much room they are going to take up. then design your lights around that. 2 600's on either side of the room will give you a 2' aisle in the middle of the room to walk and for equipment. you could do 2 1000's too but in most cases that would be overkill. 2 separate rows will also make it easy for you to have a 30 day perpetual harvest. harvest one side of the room every 30 days.

wiring up a light controller is a good idea. you do need some basic electrical knowledge though. i wouldn't recommend "splicing" anything. get a dedicated breaker and hardwire the light controller to a 30-50amp breaker. then if you can; get 240v power cords for your ballasts. this will allow you to run the controller on a smaller breaker and wire size. getting an 8 light controller would probably be a better idea. then you could run the inline fans on that controller as well. you are still going to need to use the outlets in the room for inline fans, wall fans, ac, dehumidifier, pumps, etc... make sure you have enough room on the existing outlet circuit for that stuff.

good luck.


Active Member
Thanks Scooby. It's not a question of overkill, IMO. It's a question of being happy when you walk in your room. I like to pull a plant out a few inches and be able to turn it, inspect it, and put it back without bending stems or damaging buds. I'm currently drain to waste in coco so that's a major reason I like to have room.

oh already got the veg handled, a t5 or 400 watt MH
I recently purchased my first t-5 setup. Spent over $200 on a 4ft 6 bulb unit, running all blue spectrum bulbs. I have it running next to a t-8 setup with mixed spectrum bulbs. So far, there is nearly zero difference between the two. I'm 4 weeks from seed on this experiment.

So, if I were you, I'd buy a small t-5 setup for seedlings and clones. If you have a space to cool a 400 MH, then do that too. But ONLY if you like growing larger plants. If you are only going to veg 2-4 weeks or plan to grow SCROG or SOG, opt for a large t-5 setup.


Well-Known Member
oh ya sorry I have most my plans made out to size etc, just curious about 4k lights, already have buckets, airstones, tubings, air pumps, and ac etc