400W Attitude FREEBIE GROW!!!!!


Active Member
Gonna post up these girls pics every 5 days! started on the 20th so were gonna call em 2wks old.....they 2 of the attitude freebies from october of 2010 *green poison and white domina fem* starting them both under 400w hps bcuz I already have autos going and dont have space for another grow op so I decided to just start them under the hps on 18/6 and let em veg with my flowering autos. I was going to just veg them inside and throw them outside before mothers day but looked and looked for a journal on green poison and couldnt find one so I decided to do it myself. These 2 are going to be grown organic all the way ffof soil and ff bat guano. this is going to be my first ever photoperiod grow! only autos in the past so well see how this goes! here they are day 14 the order is white domina, both, greenpoison

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Active Member
bothfree.jpggreenpoison.jpgwhitedomina.jpgI dont think those pics loaded right....ohwell ill post more anyway this is an update and my damn camera took a shit so I gotta wait for the funds to get a new one. They are doing AMAZING I uncle ben topped the white domina and its now growing 4 TOPSS!!!!! and I just started today to LST the green poison and it seems to be responding farely well I just wanna see what method I prefer. Ill have pics on here soon I also transfered them to 1gal pots for the remainder of their veg. then gonna use 5gal buckets when I switch to flowering. I hope all goes well! any comments or questions feel free to post I like talkin bout my babies:):) p.s. they have gotten HUGE since I last posted these pics HAHA just looked at em compared to these pics n OMG n a weeks time they have gotten to be MONSTERS!!!!


Well-Known Member
good choice man. organic is always good. when i grow pot again it will be all organic. i am actually gonna do tests side by side organic vs synthetic to see what taste better yields more and all the good stuff


Active Member
These are getting huge I cant transplant them tho they are in 1 gal right now since seeds gonna transfer then to 5gal buckets but dont have the room cuz im veggin em in with my autos on 18/6 and they look like they have about 2-4weeks left in em. I hope they dont get root bound


Well-Known Member
it is not good to let them get to root bound, but im sure they will be fine.
before you flower in the 5 gal buckets i would put themin the 5 gal and then veg for at least 2-5 more days to let theri roots grow into the dirt


Active Member
thanks, wasnt gonna do that but I am now! I wanna see how big I can get these girls!


Well-Known Member
well i have done like you want to do where i was in a 1 gallon pot in veg but wanted them in a 5 gal pot in flower but my veg space was way to small for anything over a 2 gallon pot. so i decided to transplant and flower the same day, they did decent but after harvest i examined the roots and not even near all the soil was used, and i think it might have hurt yield cuz the plant was now concentrating on root growth and not bud production.
do you have a separates flower and veg room


Active Member
No just one I dont really have the space for another. I have only grown autos so far and am looking forward to photoperiod plants I hope I can get em HUGE I want my whole place to be filled up. I topped the White Domina and have 4 tops growing rapidly, and I am LSTn the green poison and its doing very well. Will topping effect the overall size of the plant? I know LST is to keep it short and bushy and thats kinda want I want but I do want one semi-big one.


Well-Known Member
a topped plant will and can get big but so can a untopped plant a topped plant just means more main colas witch may increase the yields.
and you are right lst helps keep them short. i did not lst to keep them short, i did it to get way more colas with out topping a bunch of times. so instead of having a 3 foot tall plant that the light wont penetrate down past 2 feet i had 3 foot wide plants and about 1 and a half feet tall, and way more main colas plus the light hit every thing evenly. you dont want a plant over 3 feet using a 400 watt. i would try to keep my plant between 1 1/2 feet to 3 feet tall under that light, just because a plant is huge does not mean it will produce more, if the light is not power full enough it might even decrease yield


Active Member
Thanks man, I was gonna veg em till they are about 1.5ft but now im not im gonna keep em this height and start flowering. Ill be posting pics as soon as I get paid and can get a new camera!


Well-Known Member
ya 1.5 ft tall plant in veg could hit 3-4.5 feet maybe taller. plants usally double and can triple in size when in flower. unless lsted really low


Active Member
Once the weather breaks and I can plant outside, I'm going to throw these guys outside in 5gal buckets and shut the indoor ops down for the summer! unless all goes well and I can make a seed order before the end of april I will start them inside and throw them outside with these but thats only wishfull thinking!


Well-Known Member
looking good man. the plants look really good.
on the last pic though i see white spots. i kinda looks like PM or just water that dried their. have you been spraying her with anything?
and what part of the US. are you from that you can put them outside already?
if you have a some what long grow season, like say more then 3 months then i would for sure put them in at least a ten gal bucket or tote.

also have you entered my contest yet? if not the link to it is in my LST thread. winner gets a nice piece


Active Member
I just tend to make a mess while watering and get the leaves wet alot I dont know what could be wrong with it with the white spots I hope its not serious. I think you misunderstood me I'm gonna throw them in 5gal pots soon and keep veggin em till the weather breaks which should be around early to late may for me. You think a 10 gal would be the way to go? I want MONSTERS hopefully a lb a plant maybe. and no but I will enter it and try my best....this is my first time LST or toppin my plants wanna see if it really does effect the yeild.


Well-Known Member
I just tend to make a mess while watering and get the leaves wet alot I dont know what could be wrong with it with the white spots I hope its not serious. I think you misunderstood me I'm gonna throw them in 5gal pots soon and keep veggin em till the weather breaks which should be around early to late may for me. You think a 10 gal would be the way to go? I want MONSTERS hopefully a lb a plant maybe. and no but I will enter it and try my best....this is my first time LST or toppin my plants wanna see if it really does effect the yeild.
it looks like water spots. i would keep an eye on all the plants to see if it spreads. i would also wash it off the plant and if it comes back it is PM witch will need to be takin care of ASAP.
5 gallon will be fine then, sorry i misunderstood.

so your gonna veg them in a 5 gallon till you can plant them outside right? and when they are outside are you planting them in the ground or still pots?
and LST greatly increased yield for me all mine was indoor as well though. i dont see a need for lst in a outdoor grow unless you want the plants short so you can be stealthy. if no need for being stealthy then i would just top a few times.


Active Member
Thanks for all the help, and im not really sure if Im gonna camo the buckets and but em outside or just dig a hole line with plastic and fill with ffof and bat guano....do you think buckets or in the ground would be better? I would think in the ground because it would have more rootspace but I really have problems with deer and rabbits in the woods here. I thought that 5gal buckets would kind of scare them away from my babies? last year every one of my plants got torn up by deer....the plants were still there just a hole dug where the plant was planted in the ground and the plant laying next to it sundried.....I was angry shot like 2 deer this season and hoped it was the culprets!!!! HAHAHA


Well-Known Member
i am not sure how to deter deer, i dont think a bucket will stop them from eating it though.
i still sugghest ground planting with good dirt like you have said above, and some how keep the deer away, i do know they dont like human scents, so maybe if you bring soaps and moth balls and scatter them around the area your growing in it might keep them away thinking its a human. i read that on a growing forum. i havent tried it myself but they claim it works, and it seems pretty logical