400w Grow. Should I SCOG?

Hey guys just a little backround info this is my first grow! Ive been doing a lot of research online the last few weeks and have been thinking about attempting a SCROG set-up. I have some Femenized Sweet Seeds Jack47, G13's Blueberry Gum, and G13's Pineapple Express on the way. My grow room (closet) is 96" tall, 35" wide, and 22" to doorway, 25" to the door. I have a shelf close to the middle dividing it into two sections, the bottom being 42" tall and the top 53". I have a 400w HPS/CMH lamp and 3 85w CFL's, 3 45w CFL's, a bunch of other 15w FL of assorted spectrums(planning on getting a 200w CFL as well). I was thinking of doing a single plant SCROG on the top shelf under the 400w HPS and two - four plants on the bottom with the CFL's. Do you think this is a good idea? Should i just do one or two massive plants for the whole closet, or one bigger yielder on top with a SCROG on top and some smaller plants on the bottom. Here are some pics of my set-up(still in the works of being assembled. Still have some more mylar, lights, and fans to hang) tell me what you guys think and what you would do.

I was also thinking maybe have the bottom be for vegging under CFL's and the top for Flowering under the HPS. Just a thought. I'll probably end up making a tent for vegging. Just some more thoughts.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
first off i would remove the aluminum foil. it creates hot spots on the plants. flat white will work better than the foil. plus think ahead.


Well-Known Member
yo should get some plants in there before you start running the lights go to a hydro store and get you a roll of mylar. Or paint the inside flat white gloss white may look more reflective but actually absorbs more light than it reflects. And get a humidity dome to start your seedling and when they sprout your gonna want to start in small cointainers don't start in those 5 gallon buckets get the red party cups work good for me. and soon as you get good root in the cups go to 3 gallon then to 5 then maybe bigger cause your gonna want allot of room for root grow with scrog cause you veg longer to try to fill in the screen with bud sites. Good luck on your grow
Yeah i just got the Mylar today. I might re-line the walls tomorrow, it will just be a pain in the ass. I might just strip it and bank on the reflectiveness of the white walls. The 5 Gallon buckets aren't for the seedlins, they're to hold the lights for now. The seedlings are in party cups. I plan on getting some short square 3-5 gallon pots for the bottom plants and a square 5 gallon for the top SCOG. These are some random seeds growing, as I am impatient with attitude(and hoping they are not a scam!!). Hoping for females and probably just going to rig up some bs microgrow situation under cheap lights. IDK. So you guys think a SCOG could work on that top shelf? Also I just made a light fixture for the floros. Cardboard box and mylar ;)
DIY lfixture.jpgpartycupz.jpg


Well-Known Member
your gonna want to get a hydrometer too to check the temps when your lights are running you might have to put in some kind of exhaust to remove the heat. Inline duct fans work well 4' inch for a room that small would be enough. I myself am on my first grow and just giving you some basic info that ive learned so far. And how are you germinating your seeds whats your method iv'e found that a heating pad works great when crackin seeds. As far as scog iv'e never tryed it have read allot about it but think im gonna try and build a scrog table after my first grow.
I'm going the paper towel method of germinating. My schedule is as such: Germinate on papertowel, Root/seedling in red party cup, transfer to 3 gallon (where the bottom plants will probably remain) followed by a final transfer to a 5 gal pot. Ive been trying to think of a good way to ventilate just can't really come up with one. I have plenty of fans and was planning on hanging two (one for each shelf). I just need to figure out a way to get fresh air to my plants and stagnant air out. For now I'm just regularly sticking my head in to say hi. I'm considering is making a C02 generator type thing using yeast and sugar water for my operation. Ill see if i get the time/ resources. BTW I'm planning on planting in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and probably not going to fertilize until they're flowering. Thanks for the suggestions keep em coming!


Well-Known Member
i have been using foxfarms since i started growing...you are gonna want to feed them something before you flower, esp. if you plan on vegging long enough to transfer 3 times...3 weeks or so in fox farms with no fertilizing is about the longest you want to go before your soil runs out of what it has in it.
Throughout this whole process of researching, the only thing that has confused me is the whole fertilizing aspect of it. How do I do it and when, and which products should I use. I'm sort of overwhelmed and not really sure how to get my plant all the nutrients it needs growing in soil. Any help would be great.
Top shelf all lined. Now all I need to do is hang the light. 400w HPS/CMH. It's been six days since I ordered from Attitude, hoping they'll arrive soon.
HID light up, everything looking good. Now I just need those damn seeds! Still not sure what I'm going to do for ventilation so please let me know what you guys think and if you have any idea's.
One of the bag seeds popped up today. Not expecting much but still hoping for the best, or at least a female. Thinking about building a 6'T, 6'W 4'D grow cab this weekend. Not sure. What kind of nutes do you guys recommend. I was probably going to go with the FF trio considering I'm growing in their soil; but really i have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to fertilizing. Any tips or suggestions would really help! Seeds from attitude still haven't arrived >:(
Questions: Is there anything you guys would recommend mixing into the FFOF(like perlite,ect)? Also does anyone have any expierience with ordering from amsterdam marijuana seeds.com? I ordered from them at first but after reading an overwhelming amount of negative reviews decided that there was a high chance it was a scam and i had been taken, so went ahead and ordered from attitude.
I add coco fiber to my OF. Stick with Attitude SB, I got my order in 7 days and you get 3 free GOOD seeds this week.
I've been looking into coco. Seems pretty legit. I just don't know much about it so I am hesitant with using it(especially for my first grow). If you could give me some more info on it (like how much to use and what it does to benefit the plant) or give me a few links to some thread on it that'd be great.
As for the seeds....Still haven't come. I ordered SS Jack47(3) which came with two free bubba kush seeds and one other free seed(I forget). I also ordered G13's Blueberry Gum(5) which came with 3 free Pineapple Express seeds. All feminized. Total spent was like $120 with super discreet shipping(I chose the T-shirt). Not bad for 15 Primo fem seeds IMO.
Going to the hydro store today to get some coco products for my soil mix. Also thinking about some azomite. I need to pick up a few other things anyways. I was having problems with really low humidity(low of 16%) so I went out and bought a humidifier at walmart. The set-ups starting to look more and more legit. Tracking on my seeds confirmed they are in my city and should be here on moday! Very exciting. Might just scrap this bagseed plant considering it's only a week ahead. It would be awesome if those cheese seeds i ordered from AMS showed up to....but not very likely. humid.jpg