400w Indoor Soil


So this is my first grow in a while. I had run a house about 8 years ago with a few thousand watts in hydro tables, then got a real job. After moving around a lot, I got real sick of trying to find friends to keep a steady supply of medicine, so I decided to take another shot at it. I had originally wanted to go 100% organic, but some early problems threw that plan out the window early. You can see the girls in a real bad state here. i just wanted to share an update, and show some pics.

The pH problems seem to be OK now, next time hydro for sure. It's just too hard to adjust pH/nutrients on the fly in dirt. Maybe I'll do some kind of a hybrid/soiless deal, I'm not sure yet. Still using foxfarm nutes, and every once in a while they get a foliar spray of either kelp juice or foxfarm growbig.

Photos from 7/12



So this is my first grow in a while. I had run a house about 8 years ago with a few thousand watts in hydro tables, then got a real job. After moving around a lot, I got real sick of trying to find friends to keep a steady supply of medicine, so I decided to take another shot at it. I had originally wanted to go 100% organic, but some early problems threw that plan out the window early. You can see the girls in a real bad state here. i just wanted to share an update, and show some pics.
Pics from 7/24



Pics from today, 8/8

Although on eof the girls is def. stunted and not budding as hard, theyre both filling out nicely. Trichs are still all clear, so I think I have a ways to go. The "bad" plant is showing many dead pistils, though :-?



Oh, BTW...I really dont care if anyone posts in here...I welcome all feedback...but don't hate!


Well-Known Member
Pics from today, 8/8

Although on eof the girls is def. stunted and not budding as hard, theyre both filling out nicely. Trichs are still all clear, so I think I have a ways to go. The "bad" plant is showing many dead pistils, though :-?

Great Looking Plants.. +Rep


Active Member
Looking fantastic my friend!! Although i am not sure if your growing in the spot you took your pics but if so... its a very bad idea to have all those other items in the backround around your girls... the more foreign objects in the grow room, the easier it is for something to get into your girls that you dont want... for example those blankets in the backround could have mold spores that will trasnfer to your girls... just an example, and u may not even be growing there... just giving my 2 cents


Looking fantastic my friend!! Although i am not sure if your growing in the spot you took your pics but if so... its a very bad idea to have all those other items in the backround around your girls... the more foreign objects in the grow room, the easier it is for something to get into your girls that you dont want... for example those blankets in the backround could have mold spores that will trasnfer to your girls... just an example, and u may not even be growing there... just giving my 2 cents
heh...no, no, no....:roll:

Theyre in a constructed room surrounded by light and white poly plastic. The HPS's really wash out the color so I pulled em out for a second to snap pics.

I'll post a diagram of the room someday.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone...


Looking fantastic my friend!!
Hey, Phatlip...I noticed your avatar has some vertical banding...is that an iPhone pic? I was trying to figure out why my iPhone did that in the presence of HPS bulbs...any insight? I know PC monitors do the same thing, but that relates to the refresh rate of the screen (hertz).


Well-Known Member
nice looking buds man, are you still spraying them? if so, watch for rot, it is getting a little late to be foliar spraying. again assuming that you still are

good job! do you know the strain


nice looking buds man, are you still spraying them? if so, watch for rot, it is getting a little late to be foliar spraying. again assuming that you still are

good job! do you know the strain
I think today will be one of the last foliar sprays. The room has great exhaust/airflow and I spray early in the light cycle to help keep mold away.

The strain is a locally bred (so ive been told) Strawberry Cough X Orange Kush that we call Orange Cough.


Active Member
Not an iphone its a 3.2 megapixel camera phone... its the verizon dare... and yes also have a 400w HPS lol... I think it also has to do with the mylar... i have found that if i use the flash, you dont see as much of the liines and also it makes the trichomes shine!!


Things got a little busy around the house, and I thought I could sneak by not watering until tonight...WRONG.:evil::evil::evil: Came home to wilty plants. I'm sure theyll be OK once they get their turgidity back, but boy do I feel stupid....:mrgreen: