400W MH or HPS for veg/flower 4 plants?


Active Member
would it be a bad idea to not use CFL for the veg? this is going to be my first grow and i am on kind of a budget. I was wondering if would be ok if i just used a 400w MH or HPS for both the veg and flowering? which would be better to get? HPS or MH?


Asshole Patrol
If you're on a budget and can afford to spend around $150.00 on a 400w HPS, then that would probably be your best bang for dollar. Optimally, you would want to use MH for veg and HPS for flowering, but HPS will work well for the full duration of your grow.

If CFLs are more budget friendly, they will do just fine.


Well-Known Member
I bought my light from there man and I had it 3 days. They even sent me a free lighter, how funny is that. I'm guessing they know who their average customer is.