400watt hps cupboard advice/tips


Active Member
hi any advise would be helpful can i use a 400watt hps in cupboard with just vents at top and bottom im gonna do it anyway but im worried about the heat ill need to keep below 28degree for plnts health, im gonna stick small fan in corner to move air about im thinkin that most of the heat will rise and go out top vent ?? any ideas or experience thanks


Active Member
hi any advise would be helpful can i use a 400watt hps in cupboard with just vents at top and bottom im gonna do it anyway but im worried about the heat ill need to keep below 28degree for plnts health, im gonna stick small fan in corner to move air about im thinkin that most of the heat will rise and go out top vent ?? any ideas or experience thanks
yea ive got somewhat of a similar experience. i recently purchased all this shit to save money(tent, 400w mh/hps, centrifugal exhaust fan[around 250 cfm i think?], and so on) but make a long story short i thought itd be a lot simpler setup. I ended up having to purchase a window unit and place tent in that room. i even leave the tent unzipped a little at the top to ensure fresh air/co2 exchange with a tower fan hanging inside tent to circulate air at the top really good. Before i had the window unit even with the exhaust fan and tower fan temps reached around 100. My point is dont set anything on fire. or waste your money. just wait till you have enough $ to get a setup that will work. Doesnt have to be commercial it can be homemade and on the budget side but atleast know that it works before you engage in a project.


Active Member
ive done tent set up before with friend and tents are easy to keep temp n humidity ok, but im just gonna go 4 it in the cupboard it bout 90cm by 70cm and ceiling height up so no prbs in space i cant see a 400 watt burning things if its kept at a decent height have u tried it in cupboard as the seeds and everything is there


Active Member
im just gonna stick seeds under a 50 - 100 watt cfl blue for a few days when they pop then get them straight under hps ill just deal with the heat if it gets too much


Active Member
im just gonna stick seeds under a 50 - 100 watt cfl blue for a few days when they pop then get them straight under hps ill just deal with the heat if it gets too much
yea i wasnt sayin dont do the cupboard thats fine i was just mentioning that u might have a heat issue yea they probably wont burn but you want temps around 75 to keep the soil at a good temp. the soil is really what matters u can have it hot as hell as long as the soil is cooler but the higher the temp the more possibility something could go wrong imo


Active Member
cool ill keep an eye on temps, if i ave 2 ill just get a tent and extractor for more control but worth a go hopefully a small fan can do the trick cheers


Well-Known Member
im gonna get a tent its 60x60x160 just for the 3 that should control the heat better with a extractor n carbon filter save the hassle
the air in the room that the tent is in needs to be cold in order for the tent to be cool. the hot air in the tent needs to be vented into the roof/wall/floor/ whatever NOT into the same room

might i add you'll prolly need a air cooled reflector or a cooltube as well because open hood reflectors throw off the heat


Active Member
ill get the extractor near to light to expell sum of tht heat ill fiddle about with the fan and air flow, if need be i can get a cooltube for 35quid from a m8 if thats a good price


no scrubber? what strain ya growing cos evern the low smell plants r smelly in bud mate trust a fellow uk grower get kitted up properly first dont wont to stink out the street good luck


Active Member
its my first attempt but have helped friends so got good idea, got 3 seeds this morning from pick n mix - silver bubble, tangerine dream and liberty haze gonna do 400w hps soil canna vega flores n pk13/14, i thought tht aswell bout smell bit jailbait ill just get the tent n carbon filter n extractor its like £130 all in from net b worth it if the bud comes out tht dam way taste n tight bud