420 Grow Systems?


Anybody had any luck with this company and product or a similar product that uses the same concept? very interested as seeing you use both soil and hydro, any response to people using this whether good or bad would be greatly appreciated will be planting Tuesday if i buy these pots.
and they have virtually every size pot, ive been searching for weeks and still yet to find anyone using these pots, ive seen them once in a grow video the plants looked super healthy but they didnt mention the pots or what brand they where but you could tell by the black tube running from the top to bottom of the pot. found 1 journal but its new so haven't been any updates since the last photos of the pot
i find that its probably bullshit when they says grows 50% faster, i just wish i could find 1 complete seed to harvest indoors grow with these pots.

Stay High
:joint: :joint: :joint: