428sq ft room


Well-Known Member
So I am expanding to a bigger space that is 212 sq ft per side of a 17x25ft room. I am going to have 3 grow spaces per 8.5x8.5. Each space will be divided into a 70sq ft space of 8.3x8.5 roughly. For veg there will be 2 324 watt t5hos per 70 sq ft. which works out to 851 lumens and 9.12 watts per sq ft. I am planning on 30-40 plants per 70sq ft space. I have planned out 2 770cfm fans to exhaust the air and 2 770 cfm fans to have for an intake. Both at the opposite end end of each space leaving the center where the exhaust sucks the air accross the plants and exits into an attic space that is again ventalated via 2 640cfm fans or by your recommendations a larger fan. With this amount of plants I would figure to have to have scrubbers to kill the smell even in veg. Just from my plants I have ventilating into my shop it smells pretty bad with my current grow.

Onto flower....Here I have planned 2 600w. HPS giving me 17w per sq ft and 2553 lumens per sq. ft on a 70sq ft space.. I have thought about the edges getting less light. On the flower side I am perplexed. Should I run air cooled hoods which I would have to if I decide to run co2 or just say fuck it and run 2 mini sun soakers per 70sq ft. space? I do know that if I run the sun soakers a/c is a must. But ifI run air cooled I can run co2 but I have the ducting and fan cost. I figured a 10k btu a/c will easily cool the flower side.

For fans I am gonna need 18 wall mounts or some floor ocilators that I can retro fit to hang on the walls. I figure 3 fans per 70sq ft space. 2 on one side and one on the other. I think this will make good circulation.

As far as medium and nutes....Well thats open to suggestion. I have been thinking aero, dwc's(thats what I do know) or soiless in 7-10 gal. grow bags with about 10-12in of sub. I want to trelous the plants FIM them and have shallow wide roots. I want bushy plants but how I am thinking I dont have the space to accomidate 40 bushy plants per section. So I guess I have to do less plants and let these girls breath. 20 at most per 70sq ft. Sound good? I have GH 3 part, floralicious+, kool bloom and diamond nectar...what? Lucas Formula....Yep! little cal mag for the r/o water as well. Ph the shit at 5.6 and pour away. I only plan on using the Lucas mix until im out of nutes. Then I will rethink em. Well I just hit some meds and I cant do this any longer. I do hope to see some input on things I have over looked and I am in need of ideas as well. OH ITS A MEDICAL GROW! so fuck off with your bull shit.Thanks kids!

As I proof read I figured out how advantagiuos it is to write this all down. I have diagram on graph paper and equipment and build cost written down, but until now I didnt see how confused I am....Strawberry coughing nad Im out!