45$ for 2gs of heads


Well-Known Member
pay that much, for that little?

i would never

unless it was some super duper crazy rare herb. then, maybe.

but no.


Well-Known Member
shit, its 30-60's here. 1/4 dank is 120 or 90 if u have a really good hookup. ive seeen people hustle OG kush for 30 a gram in the cities though!

Purpz :leaf:


Well-Known Member
do headies actually have more thc content? headies are the tops of the plants? headies shouldnt be more, you got ripped, but you ar ein the states i guess.


Well-Known Member
Thats bullshit. I get a gram for 10. I dont care if someone told me it was the best weed I would ever smoke I would not pay tht much. Move to california dude.