45 Watts per square ft???


Well-Known Member
Hey all, got a 3x4 grow tent coming in the mail. It's the 2 in 1 tent. My main space will be 3x3 with two spider farmer sf2000 led lights in it. That will add to about 400 Watts draw from the wall. Is that enough for a 3x3 do you think? Thanks for anyone's input!!
Hey all, got a 3x4 grow tent coming in the mail. It's the 2 in 1 tent. My main space will be 3x3 with two spider farmer sf2000 led lights in it. That will add to about 400 Watts draw from the wall. Is that enough for a 3x3 do you think? Thanks for anyone's input!!
You don’t need that much, think between 30-40 watts per sq ft without adding co2.
Hey all, got a 3x4 grow tent coming in the mail. It's the 2 in 1 tent. My main space will be 3x3 with two spider farmer sf2000 led lights in it. That will add to about 400 Watts draw from the wall. Is that enough for a 3x3 do you think? Thanks for anyone's input!!
If you can handle the heat that will work great if it's to hot you can get away with 300-350w in that space
I'm very new at this but, I've been reading and reading. Apparently wattage really doesn't tell us much about Light, its all about PAR. with a PAR meter different watt light systems can be used at different distances. Here's an interesting You tube video
sorry it's very long but very in depth about PAR. I just bought a PAR meter and it's amazing how much of a difference just a few inches makes (I know, "that's what she said", sorry for being crude ladies). What the video doesnt tell you is that different PAR levels are needed at different stages of growth. I'm not a long term or even a good grower yet, I'm just passing on what I've found. good luck
I'm very new at this but, I've been reading and reading. Apparently wattage really doesn't tell us much about Light, its all about PAR. with a PAR meter different watt light systems can be used at different distances. Here's an interesting You tube video
sorry it's very long but very in depth about PAR. I just bought a PAR meter and it's amazing how much of a difference just a few inches makes (I know, "that's what she said", sorry for being crude ladies). What the video doesnt tell you is that different PAR levels are needed at different stages of growth. I'm not a long term or even a good grower yet, I'm just passing on what I've found. good luck
It comes down to DLI the different par levels at different growth stages just have to do with how long the lights are on. Lights are on for 18 hours you need less par when you go down to 12 hours you need more par because you have less hours in the day to feed them light.
Thanks for the response you guys, I can keep my heat under control and if everything goes right I'll want to add co2 to my space. So I will give it a shot!
I seem to have missed a bunch of responses lol. I'll be watching that video and maybe getting a part meter as well!! Yes I have already bought them, I'll take a peak and get back to you as to what exactly they are!
Well I hope this run goes good haha. If not, I'll go with ole faithful... Hps/mh lol. So I have always started with feminized seeds or clones.. I have what I believe to be a male on my hands.. any input with this? Showing some balls it looks like


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Well I hope this run goes good haha. If not, I'll go with ole faithful... Hps/mh lol. So I have always started with feminized seeds or clones.. I have what I believe to be a male on my hands.. any input with this? Showing some balls it looks like
I'm 90% on Male. But give it 2-3 more days to be sure that it continues to stretch away from the meristem with a very small, thin, branch-like connection. Also, more will start to appear in quick succession.
You just wanna be sure that what seems to look like a pollen sack, doesn't trick you and end up splitting open to reveal a white pistil hair.
Thanks for the quick responses guys! And herbs n suds, as soon as I have the money to do that I will lol. This is just a hobby of mine as I don't smoke anymore. I don't even know anyone to get rid of the finished product to lmao. I just enjoy it.
Hey @Mr.rollitup ,

May I ask what you intend to do with your harvest? Are your going to make edibles, tinctures or RSO?

Or are you going to use it to get a bunch of zoo animals really baked?

Just please man, make sure the fruits of your labor get put to good use.
Barristan whitebeard, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with it if one of my friends don't want it lol. My wife smokes on occasion and that's about it. But I don't intend on it going to waste.