4K watt room set up


Sup guys...been a while since i posted any grows on here however i will be constructing a newly sealed flower room as i have never built one before. just wanted to get input on optimal room sizing and features, money isnt really an issue. I will be using 4 large adjust a wing reflectors with quantum ballasts. want to run 4x 4x4 flood/ drain tables or 2x 8x4 trays? unsure on that. will be getting a window mounted, will be wall mounted a/c, 24k btu, im almost sure this is overkill however i want to be able to effeciently cool the room esp since i will be running a gen-1 ng burner w/o air cooled lights. what size room should be optimum (l/w/h)? any ideas or suggestions welcome, thanks for the input guys!