4x4 autoflower grow speedrun genetics autopots 9 gallon xxl coco coir


Active Member
Figured I’d do a grow diary , as I’ve never done one before , just some random pics .

Yesterday was day one for four speedrun seeds I germinated . I’m doing four different strains , acid snow , god particle , froot fuel bx , and a “mystery seed”

the setup is a xxl 4 pot autopot system . 9 gallon pots with a 50/50 mix of coco coir and perlite .

yesterday afternoon , started things off by mixing up a nute solution for my seedlings . I used roots exculerator and a small amount of fox farm tiger bloom “to stimulate root growth” the same formula I use for my clones in my ezclone 128 .

my well water here is a heavy 380ppm , so we dialed in to 600ppm and 6.0 ph , dropped the beans into root riot plug , I then drenched the plugs with 5ml of the solution .
I took the 3” grodan cubes , and soaked them in the solution , then dropped the plugs into them , put them in a tray with a humidity dome .

I put them in my 4x4 gorilla tent , with my fluence spydr 2i , set on 40%.

checked them this morning , and I gave the acid snow some Manual help to shed its shell .

by the end of day one my mystery seed , was standing at around 3/4” while the froot fuel bx and god particle have shot out of the gate to 1-1.5” and froot fuel bx around 2.5” .

tonight I dropped my light down closer so that I could prevent them from stretching heavily without having to crank the light , and produce mass heat .

now I’m going to assembly my autopot system , get it installed , as well as figure out where to put my humidifier “9 gallon fabric pots use a lot of space” and install a 8” exhaust fan . I’m growing these on my insulated front porch , so they’ll be seeing plenty of nice cool air as air conditioned and can stay anywhere from 62* and up .

bottom left is the mystery seed , bottom right is the god particle .

tomorrow I should have them in their final destination , and I’ll continue to top feed till the roots have hit substrate and can benefit from the wicking effect of the autopots and canna coco A and B
I’m gonna drop by to check comments daily. I doubt I’ll update every single day , as I work a farm and literally spend all day long 6/7 days a week , doing this . This grow should be fun , compared to commercial outdoor growing
Have a good night everyone


Active Member
Looks like I was a little short on coco and perlite these 9 gallon fabric pots hold more substrate than my 10 gallon fabric pots outdoors !

I’ll head to my local supply store in the morning , grab a brick , and get it soaking so I can rinse it out and buffer it asap . I don’t suspect it’s gonna take these lovely ladies long , to grow roots through the grodan and into the substrate . I may throw some pictures of my other plants outdoors , just for substance , while detailing out this grow .

Anyways off to bed , got a lot of work to do tomorrow and I’m beat !



Active Member
Day 2 , my substrate has been buffered too 5.6 ph , as well as drenched in a nutrient solution consisting of 20 ml of canna A , 20ml of canna B , 6ml of roots exculerator , and 3ml of orca myco - 5 gallons spread amongst the 4 sites , and my little ones are now in the substrate . I’m running my light at 30% , and will be dropping it down to 24 inches above the pots , keeping humidity high with a cool mist humidifier in the center of the tent , a small active air
Fan to move air around , and the lung room staying at 62 degrees , which seems to keep the tent hovering around 75 degrees now . I’ll be installing my 8 inch exhaust fan soon as well , and throwing everything on a controller by the end of the week .

I really was sold on trying this Dwc/aero combo, and still will - but I saw the results autopotamus was getting on instagram , and had to jump on the band wagon immediately . We will see what the results are when finished