4x4 HydroHUT w/1kW and 12 Unknowns


Active Member

I outfitted a 4.5x4.5ft HydroHUT with a 4x4 AA tray and 25Gal reservoir. Nutrient solution is deliverd through pvc lines that have barb outlets which dumps into the pots; so its not exactly a drip system but some derivation. The feed schedule is set to dump every 6 hours for 2 minutes at 250-75GPH which is roughly 0.18GPM per plant site. I'm using PBP in a soiless medium, 3-4 weeks in, 1500ppm as per Botanicare's recommended schedule (i hav pdf if u want). My plants are currently exhibiting some type of nutrient defficiency. I keep the res steady at 6.0 pH but its proving a challenge trying to satisfy the different genetic needs of these 12 and i hav'nt dialed this new setup in. i was hoping you one of you might have some input.

It seems like the concentration is high enough but maybe i'm not dosing them enough. I went from 8 hr intervals to 6 and now i'm playing with 3min on rather than just 2.

I'll try and snap some photos but the plant margins are pointed downward, tips are brown and many are curled under. The leaves have dark green veigns/centers but the rest is a soft pale sickly green. Does it sound like a combination of nutrient burn and N defficiency or have i misjudged...