4x4 tray kushBerry [DNA] 1000 HPS Hortilux


this pic is two weeks into flowering , and only about a week on the 1000w HPS :( i know the clones have been through alot (previous 400w) , but forging ahead anyway . . all input appreciated ! pro mix in 2.5 gal w/ clay balls ,
Base nute : "Grow"
Suplements : Bio Bud , Hygrozyme , Floralicious , Boost , Big Bud ,

they are really seeming to come alive now with full nutes and full 1000 , there is new growth in every crany multi leaf points , and small trichomes with single hairs . . il get some better pics room is set at 76f

Yea you can really see the stretching from not having enough light earlier. Should go well now that you added the 1000. How often do you give those girls water?


im watering every 6 days full nutes from here in

i think the lady bugs saved the day too , I had light webs on all tops , LB's feasted !