4x4x7 400 watt yield.

My grow tent is 4x4x7 and the light I will be using is a 400 watt digital ballast mh/hps my seeds are cannolope Kush critical Kush sour Kush and strawberry blue what should I yield, I'll be using fox farm nutes and regular soil


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4x7 tent with a 600w and I average 13 oz's per harvest. So I think you could prob pull between 8-9 oz (roughly). But it can vary greatly depending on how you grow (scrog, sog, etc.). I am about to upgrade to a 1k, which is optimal for our size tent.

But also you are growing a lot of kush strains, and kush's are always my lowest yielding plants. Its great bud, but kush's don't yield much. Except that Critical Kush, cause those Critical genes should boost your yield.

Hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions.


Well-Known Member
It depends... u need more info... veg time... are you topping, doing some lst, fim, supercropping etc. Will you be adding supplements such as bloom maximizers. Running co2... pot size??? Please be more detailed....


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my plants last night nugs weight about 40g wet the bog ones i used a 400watt hps in a cab im thinkin ill pull maybe 5-6 max


Well-Known Member
I use 400w in a 3x3 area with 4 plants and average anywhere from 350g-500g depending upon strain.

However its not my first rodeo and I understand a bit about plants and their needs.

I would expect anything over 200g.

Anything under this amount and you went drastically wrong.


MI Dude

More light. More yield. You only have 25 watts per sq. ft. Kush varieties like at least 40 watts per sq. ft. Which is still pretty low. I would go for at least 600 watts of HPS in that size tent. My 3x3 tents currently have 650 watts combined HPS/MH and I can't keep the plants small enough to stay in it. More light means alot bigger, heavier flowers. Good luck!