52 days flowering. Want to show off!


Well-Known Member
Been flowering for 52 days now. I have a couple other threads from various points in her life cycle, but the time has almost come to cut her down. "Grape Goo" bagseed w/ biocanna organic nutes and simple organic soil. vegged and flowered in cramped conditions (my kitchen cabinet!) under a 600w hps w/ grolux. been keeping a careful eye on her with my trichroscope...currently, majority of the trichs are cloudy, still waiting for a few amber to come in and down she goes! here are some pics.

oh, and someone broke a branch about a month ago, thats why that twist tie is there. I pulled the branches back together, twist tied and she grew perfectly normal.


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Well-Known Member
sweet congrats how are you ganna dry and cure? my opinion is another week., when did you start to flush?


Well-Known Member
at the moment she is taking a water about every three days and i have used pure water only twice, so one week of flushing so far. another week would be good. im glad you said something, i certainly dont want to rush anything at this point. im going to hang dry for 5-10 days, then transfer to big glass jars for curing for at least three weeks. what made you say another week? something i said in my post or the way she looks right now?


Well-Known Member
just by the look the leafs are showing. dosnt seem dead enuff, if they were mine...which i am a little jealouse, i would wait a week, keep flushing. what is your flushing technique?


Well-Known Member
it takes about a half gallon of water to fully saturate the soil (water is running out the holes in the bottom of the pot), so to flush i am running about a gallon of water at a time through the soil. only been flushing for a week and even though this is the first grow and im learning as i go, i did expect the leaves to look a little more dead before she was ready to harvest! thanks for reminding me loolagigi. also, i know it's not rocket science, but does my flushing technique sound correct?


Well-Known Member
i hope so chasseur. i am in the middle of my fourth week. i only have one sativa, so all the indicas are fattening up. leaves turning...yellow...but basically ganna follow your next move, so good luck and if i can help let me know. ill be watching. did you use molasses? and are you still using it with flushing?


Well-Known Member
Ya My Brother That's Fucking Showing Off, In A Big, Big, Fucking Way!!!!!.............I'm Jealous, Me, Myself, & I Are All Jealous As Fuck!!!!......Where Did You Get That Shit!!!!!!:roll::roll::roll::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the seeds are bagseed. there were only four or five seeds out of a fairly large amount of bud so decided to save them. the guy i got the bud from called it grape goo, so who knows how reliable that really is. i am however fairly inclined to believe it, as the bud smells EXACTLY like grape swisher sweets when its dried, cured, and in a sack. As for flushing, the biocanna nutes i ran had molasses, but since i have gone to water only, i am doing just that. no molasses, no flush formulas, nothing. i hope i havent approached this too haphazardly. is it worth getting some molasses now? less than a week to harvest now...


Well-Known Member
the seeds are bagseed. there were only four or five seeds out of a fairly large amount of bud so decided to save them. the guy i got the bud from called it grape goo, so who knows how reliable that really is. i am however fairly inclined to believe it, as the bud smells EXACTLY like grape swisher sweets when its dried, cured, and in a sack. As for flushing, the biocanna nutes i ran had molasses, but since i have gone to water only, i am doing just that. no molasses, no flush formulas, nothing. i hope i havent approached this too haphazardly. is it worth getting some molasses now? less than a week to harvest now...

say bro is it Worth Getting Molasses Now????,,,,Hell Yes!!! Just 1ml Per Gallon With Your Flush! ^_^ :joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
cool i appreciate it. ill head to the hydro store tomorrow afternoon and pick some up for the flushing at midnight.


Well-Known Member
so molasses till the end eh? i will try
yeah after reading a few threads, the consensus seems pretty good about molasses till the end. a lot of people say that it causes the bud to put on extra weight and get stickier! sounds pretty neat to me. anyone know about smell after curing on that though? will the molasses cause the bud to have a chemical smell during curing?


Well-Known Member
yeah after reading a few threads, the consensus seems pretty good about molasses till the end. a lot of people say that it causes the bud to put on extra weight and get stickier! sounds pretty neat to me. anyone know about smell after curing on that though? will the molasses cause the bud to have a chemical smell during curing?
No Bro, Molasses Isn't A Chemical, It's As Organic As You Can Get!!!!........It Will Also Bring Out The Narural Aroma Of The Plant!!!!:mrgreen:

The Sugar Cane In The Molasses, Will Help The Plant Produce Is Natural Sugar's & Make It Sticky, & Yes The Extra Carb's From The Molasses Will Help The Plant Beaf Up & Put On Weight.