5x5 Tent, 4 Seeds & My First Rooted Cut


New Member
Figured I’d start a grow log here of my 5x5 that’s about to start.

~~~ SETUP ~~~

- AC 866 Cloudlab
Light - Mars FC-E8000
Inline Fan - AC 6inch w/ carbon filter
Clip Fans - 3 Hurricanes. Can’t remember the exact size off the top of my head and I lost the boxes lol
Humidifier - 5L cheapo unit off Amazon that has a display showing RH as well as temperature of the mist coming out.
Containers - 4 3.9 Gallon Auto Pots however are I’m probably going to hand water this first run for the sake of being able to baby my clone alongside the beans and then switch to the auto pots for the second cycle.


Advanced Nutrients - I am still learning these nutes but I know multiple growers with great success. Plan is to start at 50% strength and the finish off at about 80% strength in comparison to whats

Grow & Bloom - PH perfect Connoisseur A&B; PH adjustments depended on medium at the time.

Additives - B52, Voodoo Juice, Sensi CalMag Xtra, Big Bud Coco (used as a slight PH manipulator. I normally grow in Coco so even if I’m not in Coco I still use this), Bud Candy, Overdrive, & Bud Factor X.

~~~ GENETICS ~~~
I have stuff from the following breeders in terms of seeds. Still undecided what beans I want to run.

I have stuff from the following breeders in terms of seeds. Still undecided what beans I want to run.

Humboldt CSI - TK crosses, Chem 91 crosses, some Bubbas, GSC crosses, couple Pure OG crosses, Ruthless Runtz beans, Obama Kush work, etc. there’s a lot of freebies he’s hooked me up with and it’s been making it very hard to decide what to run.

White Label - couple freebie packs of Runtz, White Rhino, and a supposed Sour cross but I doubt its authenticity since it’s a white label.

~~~ CLONES ~~~

So, as stated before this will be my first time running clones and I wanted to make sure my first one was something I hold special to my heart. She has been verified by users across other forums and I am blessed to have a cut of some of my favorite smoke and really the only version of her genetics I actually like.

Forum Cut Girl Scout Cookies

My goals with her is to veg and take some cuttings, get atleast one rooted cut from her and then flower alongside the other plants. The person I got her from stated his specific cut does well with LST and doesn’t hate light like other cuts. I have pretty decent communication with them and he’s offered me tons of advice on how to get a decent yield off her (for authentic cookies ofc) and maintain healthy cuts. I don’t have the space atm to keep a decent sized mother so cloning each time I veg a new clone and waiting for one or two successful roots before flowering is my best option for now.

~~~ LUNG ROOM ~~~

- 6,000 BTU portable AC for the hotter months.

- Bedroom sized air purifier, mainly to keep dust and micro particles at a minimum during the days I work overtime.

- The room the tent is in has a steam radiator for the fall/winter months but until it gets really cold, I’ll probably just not run my carbon filter and inline fan to keep the temperatures a bit higher for veg. As of now for flower the tent sit at about 69-78 degrees with a RH of 59-65% on

I’ll be sure to post pictures once this run actually gets started and I have a for sure list of the strains I plan to run. Hit me up via DM if you want to discuss things in detail or get to know me better. Always looking for homies to chop it up with and hear other peoples experiences. Cheers!