5x5 tent HPS+T5

lucky bounce

Active Member
I am currently running a 600 watt HPS with 2 plants under it and a 12 bulb 54w per bulb T5 with 3 plants under it. Is this a good idea? The HPS has a cool tube and there are no real heat issues. Will the quality of the T5 be close to the HPS? (All plants are trained and monster crop clones)


Active Member
I am currently running a 600 watt HPS with 2 plants under it and a 12 bulb 54w per bulb T5 with 3 plants under it. Is this a good idea? The HPS has a cool tube and there are no real heat issues. Will the quality of the T5 be close to the HPS? (All plants are trained and monster crop clones)
If i were you i would change half those bulbs in your T5 to the bloom bulbs. I would think the 600 hps would yield more but ive never flowered under a t5 only veg. so i cant really give you a definite answer. You can get the T5 alot closer to the tops so who knows. 600watt hps , 648 watts T5. should be pretty close


Well-Known Member
I am currently running a 600 watt HPS with 2 plants under it and a 12 bulb 54w per bulb T5 with 3 plants under it. Is this a good idea? The HPS has a cool tube and there are no real heat issues. Will the quality of the T5 be close to the HPS? (All plants are trained and monster crop clones)
PJD said it best. Change the spectrum of your T5 Bulbs. Your Veg spectrum usually 5000k plus is what your plant wants until flower and probably what you have on there now. Get some 2700k to 3700k bulbs for red spectrum and maybe run 3 bulbs of blue within 9 bulbs of red. You will and would see a difference.! This is the same reason why LEDs are so effective. Better light spectrum for cannibis. You can do the research and see LED will produce higher THC content than HPS because of a better spectrum. THE HPS though beats LEDS (as of now) in Light Density and therefore wins the Yield race everytime. Change the bulbs watch the magic happen

lucky bounce

Active Member
The bulbs are 3000k and 5,000 lumens each....I will definitely look into a mixed spectrum for the T5, maybe 8:4 red and blue. The T5 is actually a replacement for a 300w LED that I would love to use as well, but that's a bit of an overkill.