6" Cubed Rockwool Block - Feeding Schedule?


Well-Known Member
I have 23 cuttings in rooting sponges.
On Saturday 20 of these are going into 6.5lt pots of clap pebbles (hydroton)
they are connected to a Wilma 20 and will be fed/watered by an irrigation system
- a water pump and a timer.
But there's only room for 20

The 3 remaining sponges will be transplanted into 5.5" cubed (147mm3) rockwool blocks
They will need to be watered by hand.
I will use the same EC/pH strength solution as I do for the hydroton pots
But I need to know how often they'll need feeding/watering

Help appreciated

Mr John

Active Member
Great question. My next grow I am switching from clay rocks to rockwool.

I don't think you are going to find a definitive answer as there are many variables and each garden is different. I would imagine the rockwool holds
water allot more than the clay rocks do, so the feeding schedule is obviously going to be less.

Right now in my ebb/flow garden I feed my ladies 5 times a day for 15 minutes, when i grow with the RW I plan on dropping
that to 4x's a day and go from there. I guess I will pick the cubes up by hand and try to judge how much water is in them by their weight. Not sure how else to see how much
water is retained in them between feedings.

Don't forget to PH down your cubes before using them!



Well-Known Member
Great question. My next grow I am switching from clay rocks to rockwool.

I don't think you are going to find a definitive answer as there are many variables and each garden is different. I would imagine the rockwool holds
water allot more than the clay rocks do, so the feeding schedule is obviously going to be less.

Right now in my ebb/flow garden I feed my ladies 5 times a day for 15 minutes, when i grow with the RW I plan on dropping
that to 4x's a day and go from there. I guess I will pick the cubes up by hand and try to judge how much water is in them by their weight. Not sure how else to see how much
water is retained in them between feedings.

Don't forget to PH down your cubes before using them!

I'll soak the rockwool blocks in the EC0.6/pH 5.2-6.2 solution that will be used as the small plants first feed.

I left my pump on for the entire 18 hours of light, in the clay pebbles I grew in, BUT they were in 18lt pots.
This time around, in 6.5lt pots, I'll reduce it to 15 minutes every two hours - and take it from there.

I've never hand fed OR grown in anything other than clay pebbles.
I'll just have to make sure the rockwool doesn't dry out.