6 hours on 6 hours off


Active Member
I always thought the purpose of a 24 hr cycle was trying to emulate nature and the sun .. I'd be curious to know how 6 on and 6 off would affect a plant ..

If it would force a herm ....... I'd like to know that too ......

If you do try it ... keep us posted ... please


Active Member
The 18-24 hours of light (vegging) is to simulate the longer days of summer, witch is when the plant is growing and not producing bud.
when switched to 12/12 the plant will start to produce bud.

I always thought the purpose of a 24 hr cycle was trying to emulate nature and the sun .. I'd be curious to know how 6 on and 6 off would affect a plant ..

If it would force a herm ....... I'd like to know that too ......

If you do try it ... keep us posted ... please


Active Member
Try 24/24 for flower I'd like to see that one go down

haha yeah !!

The 18-24 hours of light (vegging) is to simulate the longer days of summer, witch is when the plant is growing and not producing bud.
when switched to 12/12 the plant will start to produce bud.

Yeah I know was referring to " 24 hr cycle " .. x hrs on ,,24-x hrs off ...

MJ plants flower on length of day response .. as well as flowering response due to light spectrum.. Ican get plants to flower at 14 on 10 off under HPS..........