6 Month Mark


Active Member
Well last May, the 23rd to be exact, I was placed on supervised probation. Now in this state I live in, they have a scale of 1-6 for urinalysis, you call on Sunday and if your number is one of the numbers stated on the previously recorded message, my number being 1, then you go in on Wednesday between 9am and 330pm. I have somewhat figured out the order that I will be having to test, seems to be every two weeks and then a random three week (test every week for three weeks) binge. But before I get any more off subject...As of November 23rd, I will be at my half way mark for getting this year of probation done. I smoked the first month of my probation and failed one test and did 24hrs in county, they told me that my next "occurance" would be three days in county and every time thereafter. Decided it was not worth it to do the time in county just for a couple hours of happiness. But you can rest assure, that once I am off probation, this coming May 23rd, I will be moving my happy ass to Washington state and applying for my 215 and from there on out, I feel that my life will be just a little bit better. Not trying to prove any points or put my personal life out there, but I just wanted my family on RIU to know. I've learned quite a bit from this site and look forward to learning more and putting some of the things I see on here to the test.


(I still get effed up every once in awhile, but prefer "happy pills" for now as they dont stay in your system for over a few days. And they for some reason never test in between Wednesdays so If I take some meds on Wednesday afternoon, after my test then have nothing to worry about.)

I did the crime, and now im serving the time, im just really looking forward to being done with this time, and reuniting with a WONDERFUL plant.