6 weeks into flowering. first grow


Well-Known Member
Hey, just wanted to post some pics of what i got growin on :)
sept20a.JPGsept20b.JPGsept20c.jpgsept20d.jpgsept20e.JPGsept20f.JPGsept20g.JPG I just took these pictures (before watering) so if they look a little thirsty it's cause they are :) and the temps in the room are 84-90....so considering, i think they're doin pretty good?


Well-Known Member
yea, i'm almost certain its a heat issue thing rather than cal/mag deficiency.....or maybe it's both but heat is the major culrpit >:(


Well-Known Member
noticing signs of cal/mag deficiency now on a couple of the leaves on a coupe plants....whoops! just ordered some cal/mag :)